Monday, August 3, 2015


I do my children.....WHY does it take Gram so long to get ready to go any where now days?  Well, all I can say is it just does!  With every birthday I get older and I don't mind because I would rather be older ......than dead!  As always I have a morning routine.....shower, get dressed, take a dozen pills ......then the fun begins.  Every morning I apply makeup.... I layer antioxidant serum , wrinkle cream, moisturizer, primer, foundation, etc.  for the groundwork!  Then for the perfect smoky eye using 17 shades of brown, two types of mascara and five different brushes and liner.  Try to get the eyebrows to match and then slap on some 14-hour long-lasting never-fade matter what you do to your hair it always looks like two squirrels spent the evening mating on your head....bag the spray, the mouse and balm......but your off to bridge or the dollar store......About the first hour into bridge and lunch your hair is sagging......after lunch the 14 hour.......long-lasting ......never fade lipstick is gone leaving your lips looking like a couple of albino earth the time I arrive back home I am a mess, but the dog doesn't care.....I don't have a husband to impress and my grandkids already think I am on the way out of this world....but I can still and watch the sun rise and realize beauty comes  in so many different ways.  I am sure I will always try to look better and do it with a smile.......because happiness is the best makeup.....OR NOT!
                         My sweet Vernal kids just called and invited me and Gigi to go to Lake Powell with them for the rest of the week.......I think that would be fun now I have the house sold and out of my hair......I have not seen their new house boat and I have always loved Lake Powell.....some of my favorite people are going down with them.....Darren's Dad, and the Bain family who I went to Mexico with........I have had a bad nine months and have to get back into enjoying life the few years I have left and really enjoy them.  My missionary wrote me a couple of lines today.....I will be glad to get him home in a year.

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