Sunday, August 9, 2015


I just had the best of the best.....Sold the condo finally.....Paid Robby and Darren what I owed them and am out of debt!  AND Sherrie asked me to spend a week in Lake Powell on their house boat with them......and a darling couple I love like my own....Dave and Amy Bain and their three cute kids that call me grandma....... We had a great trip to Cancun together and David's older brother use to take the twins out......Also Darren's dad and girl friend brought their house boat along so had a wonderful group.  They would not let me do a thing and I just completely unwound from my 9 months of stress.....I never got my bathing suit wet.....but Darren took me for a long jet=ski ride up some beautiful canyons and I so enjoyed it....I really am lucky......I never dreamed I'd say yes to another trip like that and yes, getting in and out of the boats, climbing the stairs and sitting on that tiny toilet in the bath room ......were a challenge......I handled it!.......just being with people who love you and help you......... can keep you going. Darren's dad who is a year younger than me......agrees.  I am ready to start living again in a new place, new neighbors, new friends, the church and whatever comes my way......Rode home with Bud and Rosa Lee so the kids could go straight to Vernal worked for everyone........

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