Thursday, April 30, 2015

TO DO OR NOT TO DO..........

Some days I think my faith is about as large as a mustard seed.......FAITH my house will sell soon seems to be on my mind constantly!!!!!  Have faith Betty they keep saying......the right person just hasn't come along?
I have always been a list might say I have "to-do-list-itis".......but I was reading as much as we may resent these scribbled tallies,.....that they are actually good for the brain.......and that making plans on how to handle these tasks helps reduce that anxiety and clear the mind......BUT no matter how organized, clever, and user-friendly your to-do list is, its ultimate success depends on its creator......YOU!  In your to-do list you should also include some down time for you.......this is very important......If you are a good list maker you won't go to bed trying to remember all the things you need to do and toss and will know they are on a little piece a paper waiting for you the next day.......If it makes you feel better put most important ones appointments, paying bills or mailing a thank-you note......some items linger on the list not because they are difficult or off-putting but because they are just not that important!.......and won't make much difference in your life when they get done...If you see some things being transfered from list to list....week after week....... and you can't let go of it......start another list......'MAYBE SOMEDAY"  it can sit there happily while you get the meaningful things done......OR NOT!  Tomorrows list for me already has......Doctor appointment, mail monthly bills and meet Annie and Karrie......and if I get time go to Home Depot....oh yes......... I  promised Pam and Rob and I would go in and feed their gold fish.....see it never ends!

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