Friday, April 10, 2015


I am so excited .....KENNEDY ask Porsha to go to the prom.....he is going to be 17 in a few days and as far as I was concerned didn't know girls existed on the planet!  The other boys liked girls a little younger.....but no two of my grandchildren are alike and very special in their own way. Love Porsh also, have known her since she was a beautiful baby and she still is a beautiful girl.
My kids in town are off on trips this weekend.....Kar and Sher have a birthday Sunday......The Cooks are in Bear Lake and the Panniers are in Moab doing the razor thing and I am baby sitting their house and two dogs.......Things keep moving along here at the new house.  Today I got green grass around my cute new tree......which will please GIGI, still dug up around the back and side to put in sprinkler system.  Every time I look at the cute tree I promise myself to have a good is my anchor.  I think we all need anchors in our life and I may have journaled this before but love the story about a rock;.......This man carried a small smooth rock in his pocket each day.......One night the was emptying his pants pockets for the evening and laid a rock out with his car keys and wallet.....A visiting friend from Africa noticed his rock and asked him about it.  He told him it was a "gratitude rock"......Each evening when he laid it out he acknowledged all the things he was grateful for that day......In the morning when he put his rock , wallet and keys back into the pocket of that days trousers he acknowledged and was grateful for another beautiful day of life.......The little rock was his anchor. Oh yes, when the man got home to Africa he wrote his friend and asked him to send him a few "gratitude rocks' to sell to his friends in Africa......I am sure he is a rich man today.......and is greatful!!!!!

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