Thursday, April 9, 2015


April is a big family month......I was born in April, I had the twins.....Sherrie and Karrie....In April and Sherrie had Kennedy in April..... my little brother Jim was born in my family tree grew a lot in the month of April.......It would have also been my 59th wedding anniversary.  A Family Tree is so important to a person and on first thought you think ......when someone dies.....there goes one of the branches but I like the thought .......'Death ends a life.....not a relationship."  Such a comforting thought......
There's love within our Family Tree and happiness abounds,
It's roots are deeply planted in rich and fertile ground.
We enjoy the rays of sunlight and endure the winds and rain,
And when a leaf falls from our tree, together we share the pain.
God gave us earthly families and never did intend,
That bonds of love built on earth, upon our death would end.
For when our life is over and from earth our souls will flee,
One by one, leaf by leaf  he'll rejoin our family tree.

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