Friday, April 24, 2015


 Think about are walking through life on the sands of time......each step you take leaves a footprint, making a path for those who come after you to follow......You never know when these footprints will stop and you will be walking on a heavenly shore......At any moment you will leave behind property, possessions  and perhaps a short or long "bucket list."......But your footprints will remain a legacy
 of how you lived your life on earth. You only hope they will leave a path worth following.  Day after day you can work hard to make a name for yourself, to accumulate things of value so you can leave a substantial inheritance behind.....but in the long run, the legacy of your love has the power to outlast and outshine them all.  Keep in mind that what you choose to do today is what forms those indelible footsteps......Your words, your generosity, your attentiveness, your compassion, your faith.....if those you love followed you lead, would you rejoice in where your footsteps led them????  I have tried to do my best and have no regrets.....oh maybe a couple of little ones, but I have and am trying to be....."the best of the best."
      Shirley and I went to see the MONKEYS"......A Disney Documentary which was wonderful........ then stopped for lunch.  My knees are much better....thank goodness!

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