Saturday, April 25, 2015


  Today has been a sad dear friend Patty's husband died last night.....he has been very ill .......but you are never ready for it.   Patty and Vern were neighbors why back when I was married and I have been single almost 29 years.....we raised our kids together......and have stayed dear friends over these many years.
Patty and Ruth ......another friend from the old neighborhood.......came by this afternoon.  You could tell she was hurting and it's bad when there is nothing you can do to fix it.  Words feel inadequate.  Consoling others through what feels inconsolable is hard.......I remember my divorce......and the pain of losing someone......But I also remember that consolation is one of the greatest gifts you can get from a friend.   When I struggle in these times I try to remember the Golden Rule of ...."Do unto others what you would have them do unto you".......  If I were Patty what would I need at this time.....what would bring me comfort......what would I need to hear?   God can turn the little things you do into something more significant than you will ever know.

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