Monday, April 20, 2015


When turning 83 can be as great as this weekend was I hope I have some more Birthdays.......Sherrie asked Ken what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said  go to grandma's in Salt they came to town Friday, we went out to dinner and a movie and Sherrie helped me do so many things......which is all grammie's ask.  We had red birthday cake and you can see Ken and I sharing the candles.......Nicci put a fun collage together of the wonderful times we shared and called from Minnesota. Will texted me and Tiffany called on the way home from St. George.  Alex and Ken texted me a greetings and Brayden .....on a mission........ sent me a birthday card.  Richie .......working in Montana.....made a cute collage and posted on face book and Annie and Scott wished me happy birthday when we went to dinner Saturday night.  Sunday morning Pam and Rob picked me up for an early breakfast and we went to a movie.......such a great family.  Had about 30 birthday wishes on face book from friends, nieces and nephews.........I hope over the past 83 years I have earned all this love. A little excitement like Sherrie's dogs tripping my new security system and getting a call from the police while we were in the movie....and last night my knee swelled up like a cantaloupe and I spent a long sleepless night.........went early and had a basil carcinoma removed from my arm and went into instant care to see if I had blood clots or anything in my knee and said it was just my arthritis flaring up......much better this evening after keeping my leg elevated and iced today.  I am hoping for a good nights sleep tonight!!!!! Need to recuperate from a wonderful birthday.

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