Thursday, April 23, 2015


   I Try not to be one of these many nights I have awakened to go to the bathroom at 3 or 4 and laid there crying about what I have put my children through saying ...."yes" to moving from my condo........I am still stressed about my condo not being sold and the money I owe the loan company and kids.....and all the extra costs they forgot to dearest and closest friend came by today and with all my stress I am just thankful I am not in her shoes......a husband who any day could die......he is starving himself to death......... and the prospects of living in a homeless center,,,,,,.I would gladly help her.....but I can't take on two grown sons, a daughter and a grand-daughter ......who have all been crammed together in this little apartment they won't be able to keep when her husband dies....much less pay the humongous doctor as I quietly cry in the middle of the night......I don't have to face any of this!!!!  Like the flu which is very contagious......there are things equally contagious. if not more so, and that is the influence of the friend who makes you feel good. When you leave this friend you feel lighthearted and motivated to do your best and to try new things because you believe you can!
Today was a catch up day.....laundry, etc AND they put grass in the back of my place so now I can take the dog out back to do her much better.....I know with patience it will all come together but......WHO HAS PATIENCE?

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