Sunday, April 12, 2015


These precious twin girls turned 46 today........I am such a lucky mother and they have been such a joy and a pleasure the past 46 years.  Talked to Sherrie this morning and she had a full day planned to celebrate......but never could get Karrie in Baer Lake.....I hate texting.......I needed to talk to her and wish her Happy has been a sad day.  I tried to get my sister.....who is my comforter, but guess she is working.   Oh well, this too will pass!......OR NOT!
               "Some thoughts of the day".......By the time we reach greener pastures in life......we can't climb the fence.
               Maturity is the time of life when, if you had the time, you would have the time of your life!
                I try not look at old age as I am getting older....I look at it as I'm getting better and more discounts.
               Nobody's old anymore....we've just been around for a looooooong time!
                I look at it as "your only old once!"
               I'm not over the hill yet, but I'm probably high enough to start getting nosebleed!
               You know your getting older when the free insurance company calendar starts coming to you one month at a time?
               The best thing about getting old is that all those things you couldn't have when you were no longer want......
                It is still nice to be here after another fact it's nice to be anywhere!


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