Sunday, April 26, 2015


  Have you noticed that?  No body drops by right after you dust or clean the kitchen....only when you have left clothes and books all around.  Cleaning the house doesn't rank too highly on most women's' list of favorite things to do........however, it is usually on their to-do lists over and over again till the years end.    So what can we women do to turn cleaning time into meaningful time?......I think we need to turn it into thanksgiving time all year around.......for instance as you fill or empty the dishwasher......thank God for the meals you have eaten and the fun people who have shared them with you......Doing laundry......thank God for your washer and dryer and the clothes you have to wear.   Think back how you mother had to do your laundry....hanging the babies diapers out on a clothes line to dry in freezing weather where they became stiff before you got them up. Oh yes, even scrubbing toilets is cause for thanks when you sing the praises of indoor plumbing.....I learned about outdoor plumbing when I was a little girl!!!!  I am very thankful for my new little home and all the wonderful gadgets that make living now days so easy.
I guess if we take care of our homes is one way to thank God for providing us with one of his gifts........Remember to say thanks to him in all your prayers.  Been a long quiet weekend other than taking food in to my dear friend whose husband just died and let her know I am there for her.  It has been cold and rainy all weekend and there is a big mud puddle by the house......will be so happy to get some lawn put in there.  I seem to hurt everywhere in this cold weather!

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