Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back and asked......'WHY".....The Angel said "angel don't watch over angels.!"  Twenty angels are in your world.....ten are sleeping, nine of  them are playing and one of them is reading this message!!  I so know each of us have our angels watching over us and we need to tune in to their help....I sure do. I enjoyed the movie Cinderella and love the advice her mother gave her before she died......'Have courage and be kind".....that doesn't seem so hard to do.  We never know what people are experiencing emotionally and the battles they face......seems now days every one has their own cross to bear. My dear, dear friend and old neighbor Patty came over this afternoon and said she is watching her husband die every day.......They have no savings, no real income and can barely afford the place they live......the funeral will be a big expense.  She has three grown children and a grand child living with them who are a great help with her husband and are all living on the government food stamps but I don't know what she will do when Vern dies.....all I can do is be there for her and listen when she needs support and be thankful I am where I am....I worry about all of them.
         As I sit here at my desk looking out the window I am watching it SNOW......the roads are bare but the grass is white, we really need it and the wind was terrible today, especially bad with all the dust from the building on my street.  I am still trying to get use to the new house.........

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