Sunday, April 5, 2015


Thinking of all my family this beautiful Easter morning.......all out of town but in my heart.  It is sunny, but cold .......and many people from out of town are enjoying conference this week end......A wonderful Easter a few years back I was with my sister and very good friends going to church in Beijing, China......ahhhh, thank goodness for memories.......This Easter Sunday I am enjoying it with Kennedy.......going out to dinner this afternoon. 
Richard called from Las Vegas and he and Tiffany talked me through a "Doc Sign" on email.......had to get my acceptance of the buyers counter offer for my house in by four and I had to sign it.!!!!!  STRESSSSSSS.  What a great family.
As I think back over the last is a real balancing act and my mind runs from one thing to another.  Have you ever watched a juggler on TV place an overabundance of plates on wooden dowels, balancing them on his feet, nose, chin, name it.  Then he sets them all spinning?   I can't help but feel this is a metaphor of my life this week.  Trying to balance all my responsibilities and keep everyone happy and moving along and not crashing myself......isn't as entertaining as it looks on TV or as easy.  Seems I have done a lot of praying lately.......I know with his help he will help me sort out the plates that need done first and get through these next hectic days.

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