Monday, April 6, 2015



                         As I viewed this picture the day after Easter.......I wondered how any of us single can ever enjoy Easter Egg Day again????/  How would you feel gathered around one of yours......knowing you could be next????  As for me.....I didn't eat a single egg on Easter so I have a clear conscious!
                         As I embark on a new month.... new home and a new surroundings......I think to myself.....if only every change in my life was as easy as changing your clothes how nice that would be....but putting on things like a brand-new age, address, occupation can leave you feeling anxious even if you consider the change a positive leaving three flights of stairs behind for one level......there is comfort in what is familiar.......but you learn as you grow older that change is inevitable, so it's good to learn how to embrace it with open arms.   In life.... growth is an integral part of life and growth is change.  God has something for you to learn , some new direction for you to grow every time change enters your life.  I guess the sooner you embrace the change you face, the sooner it will change yet again....from new to familiar, from complication to transformation!

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