Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Take a look at my birthday breakfast......I'm glad I just ordered the short stack????   Such a great weekend of celebrations and today my next to youngest grandson turns 17......I understand he is loving it.......he has really grown up this last year.......learned to drive and drives himself to work and school and church.  Has a little job in the Dinosaur Museum in his town of Vernal.......Just took a darling girl to the Junior Prom......and most of all........ loves his gram........HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEN!
  My cute grandson....Richie...... put this happy birthday picture on face book for me....he is in a couple of them and I hope he remembers the fun we had when he was little!
"Grow old along with me!...The best is yet to be, the last of life for which the first was made."
Robert Browning

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