Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Some how I will make the best of the worst when I get old....OLD?  I will be 83 in about 10 days but not sure if that is really old or not......I think it is and my friends and I are all dealing with the sadness of the eighties,  I belong to a bridge club that we have been together 50 some years.......of the eight of us Toby has Macaulay degeneration and almost blind.......Micky is in the first stages of Alshimers......Bonnie died 6 weeks ago with stage 4 lung cancer, Pat and Bev have Afib and have to keep having their hearts reset and yesterday Barbara called and said she just found out she has ALS, or Lou Garrick disease......Oh, and the newest member of the club just turned 90.......and would you believe Bev is the healthiest one of the group!!!!  Well.....I guess I better starting planning for the day I get old and get some popular ailment!  I know if you live long enough it is going to catch up with you.......

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