Friday, May 1, 2015


Normal......when  I hear that I always ask myself....compared to what or who?????  I am normal for me.....but everyone else may not agree.....a very busy day, paying bills, picking up mail, exchanging drill bits at Home Depot.....then a doctor appointment.....dropped off a bundle at the Good Will , shopped 45 minutes until time to meet Karrie and Annie....over to feed Pannier's Gold fish and home to finish laundry and make the bed...I'm just going to Garage Sales tomorrow and hang out!
While I was shopping I got to thinking about can learn a lot from a label on your can find out where it was made, if it is washable, It's fiber content and who designed it....... But suppose someone sewed the wrong label in might care for it improperly and toss you wool skirt in the dryer......I realize God put a label on all of us before we were born.  It reads;  precious, one-of-a-kind, handle with care.   But you find as people grow older they switch out their labels with one of their own.......I am stupid.....I am a loser.......I am unlovable  and unattractive.  Sometimes those closest to us help us put these labels on us......but you can trust what God says about you and you should remove any other labels..
Had a long talk with my neat friend Nadine in St. George who turned 84 today......miss our good times.  Sherrie called and just as she drove into her place she was in time to see their second baby calf being born......she was very excited!
Wish my condo would sell this weekend!!!!!

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