Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Once upon a time.......I was brave enough to let go on the roller-coaster......now days.....just the thought of one is scary.......Thank goodness for pictures.....and the fun of remembering.  In your younger years you have the power of "instead".......and you use it a lot without even knowing it probably.  Instead of always playing it safe, you can take a chance.  Instead of giving in or giving up, you can go for it.......instead of dwelling on doubts that hold you back, you can believe in yourself ......... there's no one more worthy.  INSTEAD......... can change everything!......Instead of living a life of regrets get busy and start living the life you want while there is still time.......your life is not a do-over......
It is a cold cloudy day and has finally started to rain.....Darren brought some railroad ties for a nice step off my patio for Gigi and I...such great kids.  I was going to the post office and store.....but may just stay in where it is warm and cozy. Pam called and we are going to lunch tomorrow........Leslie called and they think Kristi had a heart attack.....she will be in our prayers tonight.

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