Saturday, May 30, 2015


Words......can't live without them......but sometimes they can get you into trouble........Take the sentence......"I was just screwing around".......I became very aware of the meaning and use of words when I joined ESP (English Speaking Language)..... and was tutoring a gentleman from Brazil on how to speak English.
Take the word Screw......."I was screwed" know taken advantage of , happens every day.  "What have you been doing?"......Oh, just screwing around.......watching TV , eating, loafing......."I can't unscrew this jar of pickles"....Screw or unscrew......a tight lid with my arthritis hands.  And an invitation to screw.....a bedroom thing with a man and a woman.  "What did you do last night?".....Oh, just screwed around.......meaning nothing much.  The Dictionary says......"Screw in mechanics, a machine consisting of an inclined plane wound around a cylinder.......used as a holding agent."  Where in the world did we get the many other meanings we use it for?????  Yet, it is used in many ways every day and we know what the person means that is using it.  Maybe we are all 'SCREWED UP"......or we just screwed up again.
Every test in our life makes us BITTER or BETTER.....
Every problem comes to BREAK us or MAKE us.......
The choice is ours whether we become VICTIMS or VICTOR!
A really quiet and boring weekend......did go to a few garage sales this morning on the way down to pick up a new battery for my laptop.

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