Friday, May 8, 2015


"REMEMBER.......AS FAR AS ANYONE KNOWS.......WE'RE A NICE NORMAL FAMILY!".........I feel I should have that tattooed on my forehead........If we have a nice normal family.....heaven forbid anyone should have a more normal one.......If I don't get the condo  sold soon ......I will jump off a cliff......why did I ever let someone else tell me what I needed to do .......they have no idea what this has put me through.......Oh yes, I am trying to stay positive!
Another windy cloudy day.......cold with more rain.   Spent the morning on the phone trying to iron out what to do with the condo........I can't just give it away.....I owe the kids too much money.......and it has been on the market for 3 months now......but they just keep reassuring me "IT"S ALL GOOD"~~

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