Sunday, May 10, 2015


I say happy Mother's Days  to every Mother and there are many wonderful Mothers out there.......but let's face it .......there are some not so good also.   Through the years from some of my friends stories of their mothers and families........I realize how lucky I was to have such a wonderful, talented, caring and always there mother for me as I was growing up........She died at 58....way to young, when the twins were almost two and  they never got to know her.....but my oldest daughter Pam.....her first grandchild........ was almost 13 and remembers her.  I adored her and was very proud of her and all my friends.....girls and boys.....loved her.  She loved everyone unconditionally and never judged anyone......I did not inherit that!  I could write pages and pages about this unique person, but those who knew her already know what a great example and person she was and influence in their lives. 
I had a nice Mother's Day.......Went to my oldest granddaughter's for brunch.....came home and took a nap and then the Cooks brought ice cream by and we watched a movie.....Sherrie called early before church and was looking forward to skyping her missionary in Washington State at 5;00.........  lots of pretty flowers.

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