Saturday, May 9, 2015

IT'S WHERE.........

Seems I have done a lot of praying lately........Since October and I said "Yes I will move" things have not been the same in my life....I have tried to hid it from my family and only complain to my sister and close friends......I know the children mean well and have gone that extra mile to make it OK......but it is not!    All the wonderful dreams and plans they had for fixing the condo and selling it have only emerged into everyone hating and blaming everyone else for the disaster it is.....I have tried to keep positive and be a wise person that knows that there is something to be learned from everyone and every experience in life......but I seem to be having a very hard time doing that....I so need to talk to my little sister tonight, but know she is somewhere out there with her family celebrating graduation of a cute  granddaughter......
I do have a nice home now.....somewhere you can make pancakes at 2 in the's where you will perform epic shower concerts when no one is's where you feel at home looking is where you long to be when you're any where is called home.   It can be a tent.....a cabin....a mansion......a castle is all the same to is home......Yes, I will keep praying and try to remain strong for the children that still speak to me.....
..but I don't know how much longer I can keep playing this game?????
Today Pam, Rob and I went over and tried to spiff the place up a bit......suggestion of one of the real estate people...... and  to lunch at Zuppas........Richard brought by two fun lavender plants and a bouquet of flowers from him.......... for me........ for mother's day.......????? 

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