Thursday, May 21, 2015


Did  you ever feel like sometimes the only friend you have left is GOD?.........Here I am at the beginning of a long holiday weekend and everyone I talk to is busy with the people they love......Pam and family are in Island Park.......The Cooks aren't speaking to me.....Sherrie is in new neighbors have not moved in and the good friends I have called are all off with Memorial Day doings with their I feeling sorry for myself....YES?    OK....SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!  The weather man said it is suppose to be bad weather all weekend which doesn't help.  I know being negative only makes the journey more difficult may be given a cactus......but you don't  have to sit on it!!!! 
I will not let family troubles get me down......I have been through worse but we all really feel bad that Andrea  called Sherrie and Pam and said she and her mother have decided their are not enough people to invite to our shower for her that aren't going to the ones of Karrie's friends?????  She does not want us to give her a wedding shower........ None of us have been included in helping with the wedding and Tiff and I were excited to do something.......OH well.....I hope we are invited to the wedding reception.......OR NOT!

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