Saturday, May 23, 2015


Lucille called to tell me I was on the morning news ......only they had blocked out my face and it was just me and the bank robber standing at the counter......wouldn't you know my one chance at fame and I get blocked out?????  on second thought .......maybe better and he won't be looking for me cause I might  identify him.  WELL, any way I hope I never go through that again.  Mike called to get the details and see how things were going and I fell apart.......he is and always has been so close to my heart......just like a son and I just came unglued.....poor Mike.  I try to pretend to the kids.....because some of them have worked so hard to make this perfect for me......but how can it be when all the move has done is costs me money and ruin our happy family.....but I can't tell the kids Mike got it all.  He is so sweet and has always been there for me.....when I think what he and Andrea have been through with that bunch of kids and Lauren and all and still go on I feel very guilty with my little problems.  Tomorrow will be better and I will try harder........
This is proud Grandpa Robby.......Oh how I wish I had some fun pictures of Don being a proud Grandpa to any of his nine grandchildren!!!!!!

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