Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I was assured that it was time and they had everything under control to sell my house and move into a place with no stairs.......I had a million questions and reasons why it was not the one listened......well six months later I still have all those questions and it is all very confusing......Oh the house will sell very fast....NOT SO....... still trying to sell it and paying a grundle for the loan interest and two sets of condo fees......I  hate debt as my credit score of 8.73 tells you.  I have cried over the family fighting over the remodeling and difference of opinion and not speaking to each other to many nights to count.......and I keep getting reassured......IT'S ALL GOOD.....maybe for them but not me.   They have been so good and keep trying to make everything good, but I am still working on working it out!
As I sit at my desk looking out the window to west we are having a huge rain storm with the thunder and lightening and I love it......Been raining for two days and everything is so green and pretty.   Today Pam took me out to the DMV to get a handicap sign for the I guess I am OLD now!  We used it twice before I got home.  Did some shopping for Mother's Day and even got Pam a birthday present she had good luck.  My Annie came by to show me her engagement ring and we had a nice long chat about what is ahead for her in life.   The last of my three granddaughters to get married.   One grandson married and five more to go......they grow up......but isn't that what you want?????

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