Thursday, May 14, 2015


 I am waiting for someone to ask me to take a job I don't want or go somewhere I do not want to so I can say......."I wish I could......but I really don't want to"......and see the look on their face.  Spent the afternoon loving my sweet great-grandson.
It seems we all define ourselves with labels because of something called the social self.....which is the part of you that interacts with the world.   Every day we go forth with our  social selves in tow interacting with different people and situations and we act different in every know you are a subordinate to your boss, have a certain role to play with your mother-in-law or your best friend.......Negative self-definitions are very harmful.....I am ugly, stupid, anxious, neurotic or lazy.....when you label yourself you act accordingly......but they may not be true a stop the labels!....stop and ask yourself.....are they true?????  Consider this;.... Cells in your body are replacing themselves all the time.  The clump of molecules you currently call your body does not share the exact same group of atoms with the clump you called your body a minute think back to when you put that label on yourself and realize you are no longer that same person......You have a whole new role in life.

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