Friday, December 19, 2014


I will be waiting for my miracle........I think it would be to wake up in the morning and have a little Christmas snow, no entertaining of my friends, no Christmas parties but the family one and half the people aren't speaking to the other half!!!! and feel put out they have to give up their precious time to come to the families party......oh for the days when they were all young and enjoyed the visit of Santa coming by with presents, P
inatas and fun games....YEP, life does change.
Busy, busy day .......took Bev through the house being remodeled and gave her key back.  She told me my dear friend Helen Warnock died.....26 days after her husband and about two months after they moved out of Monte Cristo to their son's house.   I am sad.  Off to target to get some pictures developed and then down to the mall to get my nails done. Home for a lunch and a rest and then shopping for food for the family Christmas party Monday.  Packing for overnight at Vernal tomorrow and am really tired tonight. Tomorrow is the reception in Vernal for Alex and Lindsey who were married a week ago in the SLC Temple......... Panniers went to the barn this morning so very quiet here tonight.

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