Sunday, December 21, 2014

3 Days till Christmas Eve.....

 I wish this could be true for everyone.....but  Christmas can be a sad time for many. Tomorrow night is our Peterson family party here at Pam's.   I got up early and made dressing and mashed potatoes...Pam will do the turkey and ham tomorrow and the twins salad, rolls and desert.  We will be missing our two missionaries but have added a new member....Alex's wife. 
I am trying so hard to stay up, happy and grateful......but am struggling. I know it takes a level of self love, of dedication and determination to live your greatest life.  I am not sure I am ready to make new friends, buy everything that has been lost, misplaced or destroyed in this panic of a move, handle all the expenses that come with a move.....I keep praying for strength, So will try to search within to see what it is that is causing all these feelings.....lots of people down-size or have to move in their old age.....why not me?  Rained down here all day......maybe no White Christmas this year......wrote my two missionaries today and wished them MERRY CHRISTMAS......I know they will be lonesome.

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