Monday, December 8, 2014


It's my LESSONS!
Have you noticed how fate stitches together elements of your life that at first seemed unrelated?
Every test in our life makes us .....bitter or better.  Every problem comes to .....break us or make us.  The choice is ours whether we become the.....victim or victor.......believe me this is going on daily in our lives.  Today for instance we had to work out the problem of a huge dumpster in the drive way......first they left it in the street.....a big NO NO in our unit.  They came back and put it in the drive way.....BETTER!  Now to find a place for the workman to park over night....hopefully worked out......then to find the yard workers and hire them to rake the leaves and move some breaks in the back yard that Darren ordered done!  Then I drove out to check my new place and doesn't seem to be moving as fast as I hoped.......So each day I am learning and handling issues that affect my life......hoping I am doing OK......Oh yes, I need that cup of coffee to get me going every morning.......

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