Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I keep telling myself.....The Best is yet to come.  Yesterday they moved me out of my condo and last night was the first night with Panniers....they are very generous to take me in while my new place is being built......It was a long and hard month trying to get things ready to move after 27 going on 28 years in Monte Cristo Condo unit......My sweet girls and their husbands pitched in, but wouldn't let me lift a thing......Will I ever see all that STUFF again....sometimes you just have to let go and hope it will be there someday.....and I guess if it isn't....it's just STUFF!  This will be a busy month with the Holidays, wedding, new great-grandchild and all.....But I am sure I will be counting the days till March and I can get moved.  Went over today and they were going over the plans to do some updating so I can get it on the market.......for a decent price.  Best thing about it all......NO MORE STAIRS FOR MY POOR KNEES!  Rob off to Wyoming for the week to duck-hunt and Pam busy decorating for Christmas......and me just trying to get rested......I hope I have made it through the hard stuff ......until it is time to move it all again into the new place.

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