Monday, December 29, 2014

OH TO BE 21!!!!!!!

On the right is my gorgeous grandson......Richard Benjamin Cook.....a missionary in Mexico who turns 21 years old today.  How well I remember the day he was born....a cold winter day like today in which my first great-grandchild was born this after noon......Aaron Scott Horton!  It has snowed most the last two days and I hope we are through for awhile........Had a long boring day, tending dogs, didn't feel there was room at the hospital to see the new baby with both families running up there.....Tiff had to have it Cesarean and not feeling too well. There will be plenty of time to meet the little guy.....6lbs, 13ozs and 21 inches......called Leslie and tried to call Sherrie but couldn't get through to Mexico.  Nice letters from my two missionaries, Christmas was good for them.
I believe in first steps and fresh starts......I believe in happy endings and even miracles......because I have had to take first steps to start a new life single after 30 years......and it was a fresh start to many things that the last 29 years have brought to of the greatest is becoming a great-grandmother today!  Surprising there is no limit to what I can accomplish with the right attitude.

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