Sunday, December 28, 2014


Why do we have to be reminded so often that where we are in life is all up to us.........No matter where we search or hard we look or even think we need someone else to change our lives......bottom line it's up to us.  As I wander around bored, displaced and getting more depressed I know I can and need to change things so I am not bored or, write, paint, shop. movies a dozen things I need to do to change things.  Went to a movie and stopped for Chinese food with Bill and Nicci and then by my new house.......since I was there Friday they have put the floor in so maybe they will start framing soon.........might help my mood!
Well tonight we are just sitting around WAITING for some exciting news from the Hortons on the new baby.....they were to induce her tonight,
Lots of memories have been made this week with the excitement of Christmas.......I hope everyone has some fun memories stored away.

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