Friday, December 5, 2014


It would be so nice if you could blame someone else for your unhappiness.....but you can't!  It just is your choice to look at things positive or negative and go with it.  NO....I don't like what I am going through now.....I am not happy about it for several reasons.....but I guess I can choose to let it ruin my Holidays or choose not to ruin my holidays.  I do not like to see my kids having to do so much for me when they all have their plates full of weddings, babies, parties, working etc.......while I just sit idly by......but they did insist I needed to move, remodel and sell the condo.  Tonight I am very frustrated, but maybe I can sleep it off.
Had a nice shower for Alex and Lindsey today and they got many nice things to start their life off with.  Alex is coming to stay all night with us at Pam's house as he has a family Christmas party tomorrow night with Lindsey's relatives.   I am tired and I hope I can stay awake to let him in.........Pam is at a play and Rob is still duck hunting in Wyoming.

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