Wednesday, December 17, 2014


WELL.....with Christmas a week away I am really trying to get in the Holiday mood! No snow, not in my own little bed, some of the family causing problems, some of our family not able to be with us.....but still much to be thankful for! So I decided to concentrate on the messages and pictures of those who are in tune with the Lord and the reason for Christmas. Every day till Christmas I am putting in a reminder to enjoy all we do have.
My cousin Lucille called and said her daughter .....who just got married in October......... had just been diagnosed with hard for any family any time........but especially during the Holidays.  We will all need to give the family our prayers.  Still no snow, very cold, but not to Christmasey.  Hope the Peterson family party next Monday goes well, I guess I just had it to many years and controlled it and am not to involved this I worry.
Had three miserable experiences this past week......hope I get it all together and start having better luck in the New Year.  Any way Happy Holidays!

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