Thursday, December 18, 2014


Oh the excitement of a week before Christmas when I was young and lived at home.........the big dance on Christmas Eve....the family and friends in and bad when you get older and your kids are grown.....and the grandkids grow almost just becomes another day!HOW SAD!!!  To brighten my day I love the following story:  This elderly couple went to town to do some window shopping.....When they came out of a store an officer was writing a parking ticket!  They went up to the officer and said....."Come on officer about giving a senior citizen a break?"  He ignored them and continued writing the ticket..... The husband called him an A--hole....he glared at him and started writing another ticket for worn-out tires.  So his wife called him a Sh--head....He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield.....then he gritted his teeth and started the third ticket.....this went on about 10 minutes ......the more they abused him, the more tickets he wrote.  THEN their bus arrived, so they got on and went home....But no worry.....they only do this particular  thing to cars with "Obama 2012" or "Hilary  2016" stickers!  So you can see old people have to think of something to keep them out of trouble......I can hardly wait to try it!!!!!!
Well unless it snows one of these day I don't know how Santa is going to get here......UNLESS SPOTTY DOT fills in!

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