Tuesday, December 23, 2014


For some reason I was so depressed yesterday I couldn't even write on my blog.....part of it was Sherrie's little family had to turn back because of a blizzard over Daniel's Pass and couldn't make it to our family party here last night!......and no snow....and I don't even know why!  Any way our party turned out nice last night....Santa came, we played some fun games and the food was good.  There were only 11 of us which was not the usual gang.  We started a pot and guessed how much TIFF's baby would weigh when it gets here....... any minute now.....she was so miserable last night and I could tell she just wanted to be home in bed.  She has to work today and half of tomorrow then a couple of months off.  The kids gave me a humongous TV to go over the fireplace of my new house......it was way too much.  Don came by this morning to give Pam her Christmas present, had coffee with us and short visit before he headed over to Karrie's......I guess there are still miracles in this world.
"The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is perfect......it means I appreciate what I have and what God has blessed me with".
"Instead of saying..."Lord I don't know how I am going to do this".....say "Lord, I can't wait to see how you do this"

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