Friday, December 26, 2014

OH MY.....A DAY LATE......

I seem to be a day late and a dollar short lately.  Spent Christmas Eve with the Cooks and then didn't get back to Panniers till 5.......ate a bite and was ready for bed.  It was a very nice Christmas Eve a movie, wonderful dinner, a couple of early presents and a little TV, then Scott and I ......and Marley settled down to wait for Santa????  Christmas morning, presents, breakfast and wait to Skype Richie.......witch was a disaster and three hours later gave up and wished him Merry Christmas by email.........he will be home in a month thank goodness. His poor mother was dying.....just to see him.  We woke up to snow and it snowed all day long.....a very White Christmas.........
Sherrie had better luck skyping her missionary in Idaho.....he looks great and seems so happy.  We got to say Hi.
All in all a happy day, but hard when you are not in your own place.

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