Thursday, December 4, 2014

M AND M'S........

Well another day closer to Christmas.  Pam has decorated her house so nicely.....and one of her favorite decorations are the M and M machines with all the Christmas colors in them.  At first I thought it a good idea to turn them upside down and pretend they said W and W..........and were the weight watcher pills......but then again....... I would look like the lady on the scale!!!!  I should be at a fun Christmas program and luncheon with the bridge club today at the Town Club......but had to cancel because I didn't have the energy to get all dressed up and down there and besides I need to pick up the food for tomorrow's shower here.  Pam off to work this morning.  Will stop by and see how the house remodeling is coming.....Sherrie coming in and staying all night with us.....IT'S ALL GOOD!

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