Monday, December 15, 2014


Yesterday I wrote about Alex and Lindsey getting I have to add they have already started their family with a new 9 week old puppy named DOUGLAS!.....A Labadodle.  I have more great-grand dogs in my family than great-grand children.......0llie, Captain, Douglas, Aspen and can't forget the grand-dogs in the family......Marley, Izzy, Lilly, Macy, Bree and Henry......and my own little Gigi!  DOGS,DOGS,DOGS.
Nice luncheon with Shirley, Bonnie, Nancy, Shiree.....good way to start off the Holidays......then over to pick up the mail at my house front door, walk fixed and the bathrooms moving right along.....hope they can tie it up in a couple of weeks.  I feel the kids think I'm crazy or losing it.....not sure what is going on behind my back but definitely feel things are not good in the family.......and wonder if I am the cause of it???? I know Karrie is getting dumped on with the remodel, she is cool.....don't blame her but they won't let me do anything so I try to stay out of the way. It is......what it is!

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