Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Yep, here we are at the end of 2014 and I am still here.......seems like yesterday I was dreading 2000 and all the bad things forecast in a new century......well, we are still here and I thank GOD for that.  I have done so much in the past 15 years that I never dreamed of.....wonderful trips around the world, family grown with the marriages of three grandchildren and a new great-grandchild.......A big move for me, numerous new pets in the family, many good friends and family members who were not as lucky as I have been have
 passed away........and so many new inventions I can hardly keep up with the changing world.
We had a good Christmas, even weather wise but now we are under the artic spell and it's freezing outside.  Went to see "Annie" today.......wasn't impressed by it, but something to do.  Bill and Nicci are cooking our New Year's dinner ....we will miss Tiff who is still in the hospital with baby Aaron.  AND guess what my new house has been framed!!!! Yea. Well this is the last blog of 2014......and I will wake up (hopefully) to a whole new year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


This is Aaron Scott first great-grandchild and to him I welcome you into our family......I held you today and it was love at first sight! I don't know how long I will be in your life but I think you should know a few things about your Grammie Betty......who seemed to be born and grow up in a different world than you will be raised in......
Children born in the 30's-40's-50's survived being born at home......I was born in my grandmother Goff's bedroom by a mother who took aspirin, ate blue cheese, tuna from a can and did not get tested for diabetes.
Then after the trauma we were put to sleep on our tummies---in cribs covered with bright colored lead-based paint....... and heaven forbid we had no child-proof lids on medicine bottles, locks on doors or cabinets and when we rode bikes we had no helmets on our heads.
As infants and children we would ride in cars with no car seats, no booster seats, no seat belts, no air bags, cars with bald tires and sometimes no brakes.......we even got to ride in the back of pick-up trucks.  We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle.  We shared one soft drink with four friends and from same bottle and no one actually died from it.  We ate cup cakes, white bread, real butter and bacon.  We drank cool aid made with real sugar and no one was over weight.....WHY?  because we were always outside playing and on the move......
We could leave home in the morning and play all day as long as we came home when the street lights came on.   No one was able to reach us and that was ok.......we learned to think for ourselves.
We did not have play stations, Nintendo or X boxes.....No videos games, no DVD movies, no CD'S, no cell phones, or Ipads or Computers, no Internet and no chat rooms......or TV with cartoons........  We had friends and went outside to find them to play. We climbed trees and fell out of them, got cuts and bruises and even broken bones but there were never laws-suits because of this.  We rode bikes or walked to our friends houses and went up and knocked on their doors and spoke to them when we wanted to do texting!
Teachers were allowed to discipline us and most parents punished us at home......not school......and just so you know.....these generations produced some of the best problem solvers, innovators, risk-takers. idea people and inventors in the world.  Our role models taught us constructive thought and value of cooperation.
Your generation may feel sorry for those in the past but the world let kids be kids and sometimes learn a lesson the hard way that we never forgot......but we SURVIVED!  I am sure you will look at my life as I do the pioneers that came before me......and smile.

Monday, December 29, 2014

OH TO BE 21!!!!!!!

On the right is my gorgeous grandson......Richard Benjamin Cook.....a missionary in Mexico who turns 21 years old today.  How well I remember the day he was born....a cold winter day like today in which my first great-grandchild was born this after noon......Aaron Scott Horton!  It has snowed most the last two days and I hope we are through for awhile........Had a long boring day, tending dogs, didn't feel there was room at the hospital to see the new baby with both families running up there.....Tiff had to have it Cesarean and not feeling too well. There will be plenty of time to meet the little guy.....6lbs, 13ozs and 21 inches......called Leslie and tried to call Sherrie but couldn't get through to Mexico.  Nice letters from my two missionaries, Christmas was good for them.
I believe in first steps and fresh starts......I believe in happy endings and even miracles......because I have had to take first steps to start a new life single after 30 years......and it was a fresh start to many things that the last 29 years have brought to of the greatest is becoming a great-grandmother today!  Surprising there is no limit to what I can accomplish with the right attitude.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Why do we have to be reminded so often that where we are in life is all up to us.........No matter where we search or hard we look or even think we need someone else to change our lives......bottom line it's up to us.  As I wander around bored, displaced and getting more depressed I know I can and need to change things so I am not bored or, write, paint, shop. movies a dozen things I need to do to change things.  Went to a movie and stopped for Chinese food with Bill and Nicci and then by my new house.......since I was there Friday they have put the floor in so maybe they will start framing soon.........might help my mood!
Well tonight we are just sitting around WAITING for some exciting news from the Hortons on the new baby.....they were to induce her tonight,
Lots of memories have been made this week with the excitement of Christmas.......I hope everyone has some fun memories stored away.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


This is such a comforting thought......and when your over 82 you realize how many gifts you have received from lucky you really are.  Each day can be quit a challenge as you many areas......but I wake up and say, "Thank you God for another day."  Nicci and Bill got here yesterday afternoon and we went to the Spaghetti Factory where Tiff met us.  Nice visit last night.....they are off to Park City with Will today and tonight is their family Christmas Party........Then tomorrow night they are inducing TIFF so the baby will be here Monday!!!!!
Counting down till 2015.......been a strange year and it has gone by fast.   I am so starting a new chapter in my life in 2015.......a new home in a new area with new I ready for that????  I wonder where all my "stuff" is and will I ever get it all gathered up again.  I am so done with the old place and the people there.....very depressing to go get my mail every few days......I didn't realize how happy I would be to get away from THE MONTE CRISTO CONDOS!!!!! Talked to Sherrie this morning they are half way to Mexico for New Years and there was a text from the to Baer Lake.......... home after New Years. O.K........?
THEY ARE ALL GOD'S CHILDREN........We have four dogs at Pam's for a week.

Friday, December 26, 2014

DECEMBER 26th.........

Snowy and cold and everyone dragging from a busy Christmas.  Pam said Karrie and her family are spending the week in Baer Lake so won't see that family until after New Years sometime........Sherrie and her family were driving to Mexico for New Years......and Nicci and Bill are arriving this afternoon to spend New Years with Panniers.....and me.....Guess we will sit around and wait for Tiff to have her baby probably start her having Nicci here for it. families start to crumble through the years.....divided by two family obligations, kids going different ways, and choices  of each child.......not to need those family ties anymore.  I think next year I will just find some friends that need something to do and stay in my 'own little home'......I almost wish I hadn't leaned to text because I miss that one on one phone call from the kids. Need to go get my mail today and see how the house is coming, Annette called and said to tell the guys to stay off the roads so they could plow now with all our snow......yea!  Can hardly wait to be done with the place.
39 weeks and waiting for that little fellow to get here!

OH MY.....A DAY LATE......

I seem to be a day late and a dollar short lately.  Spent Christmas Eve with the Cooks and then didn't get back to Panniers till 5.......ate a bite and was ready for bed.  It was a very nice Christmas Eve a movie, wonderful dinner, a couple of early presents and a little TV, then Scott and I ......and Marley settled down to wait for Santa????  Christmas morning, presents, breakfast and wait to Skype Richie.......witch was a disaster and three hours later gave up and wished him Merry Christmas by email.........he will be home in a month thank goodness. His poor mother was dying.....just to see him.  We woke up to snow and it snowed all day long.....a very White Christmas.........
Sherrie had better luck skyping her missionary in Idaho.....he looks great and seems so happy.  We got to say Hi.
All in all a happy day, but hard when you are not in your own place.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Well, Christmas Eve has almost arrived and we are waiting for the snow that is forecast to make it a White to Cooks for a afternoon movie and dinner tonight and wait for Santa to arrive........been a weird Holiday for all my family......pretty strung out.  Panniers are having their family tomorrow and an open house tomorrow night and we are still waiting for the new baby.   Nicci arrives the day after Christmas and then Pam will have their family Christmas then......Talked to Sherrie and she is like me......trying to get with it.   It's really more fun when you have little kids.......guess I'll go by the house and get the mail......I just want it done and over with! So Merry Christmas Eve everyone.......

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


For some reason I was so depressed yesterday I couldn't even write on my blog.....part of it was Sherrie's little family had to turn back because of a blizzard over Daniel's Pass and couldn't make it to our family party here last night!......and no snow....and I don't even know why!  Any way our party turned out nice last night....Santa came, we played some fun games and the food was good.  There were only 11 of us which was not the usual gang.  We started a pot and guessed how much TIFF's baby would weigh when it gets here....... any minute now.....she was so miserable last night and I could tell she just wanted to be home in bed.  She has to work today and half of tomorrow then a couple of months off.  The kids gave me a humongous TV to go over the fireplace of my new was way too much.  Don came by this morning to give Pam her Christmas present, had coffee with us and short visit before he headed over to Karrie's......I guess there are still miracles in this world.
"The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is means I appreciate what I have and what God has blessed me with".
"Instead of saying..."Lord I don't know how I am going to do this".....say "Lord, I can't wait to see how you do this"

Sunday, December 21, 2014

3 Days till Christmas Eve.....

 I wish this could be true for everyone.....but  Christmas can be a sad time for many. Tomorrow night is our Peterson family party here at Pam's.   I got up early and made dressing and mashed potatoes...Pam will do the turkey and ham tomorrow and the twins salad, rolls and desert.  We will be missing our two missionaries but have added a new member....Alex's wife. 
I am trying so hard to stay up, happy and grateful......but am struggling. I know it takes a level of self love, of dedication and determination to live your greatest life.  I am not sure I am ready to make new friends, buy everything that has been lost, misplaced or destroyed in this panic of a move, handle all the expenses that come with a move.....I keep praying for strength, So will try to search within to see what it is that is causing all these feelings.....lots of people down-size or have to move in their old age.....why not me?  Rained down here all day......maybe no White Christmas this year......wrote my two missionaries today and wished them MERRY CHRISTMAS......I know they will be lonesome.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

BE FLEXIBLE.........

Snow forecast maybe a WHITE CHRISTMAS......need something to get the Christmas Spirit.  Plan A for today....... was to drive to Vernal to the second wedding reception for Alex and Lindsey.....but Karrie called early a winter storm warning was due in our area and they did not want to drive out there and back in a storm.  I wholly backed her fear although I guess her family wasn't convinced....Poor Karrie is really on the edge
you can tell she is about to have a melt down getting Sherrie's luncheon ready last week and Darren putting her in charge of my house remodeling......I wish I could help......AND Richard told Don they would tend his sick and dying dog over Christmas but you know who will be doing the tending????.....Not Richard.....Pam said NO.....I am having four dogs and can't tend one more!  So plan B ......I called Patty and she came over for coffee this morning and I went to see "The Exodus" this after noon. So nice to talk to my little sister today also......I need family.
         Can't sleep......Talk to your Heavenly Father.  Tomorrow is what keeps people awake at night.....we just can't turn it off......worry about resources, our money, our kids.....but there is no one with more resources than GOD.....Just trust in him.

Friday, December 19, 2014


I will be waiting for my miracle........I think it would be to wake up in the morning and have a little Christmas snow, no entertaining of my friends, no Christmas parties but the family one and half the people aren't speaking to the other half!!!! and feel put out they have to give up their precious time to come to the families party......oh for the days when they were all young and enjoyed the visit of Santa coming by with presents, P
inatas and fun games....YEP, life does change.
Busy, busy day .......took Bev through the house being remodeled and gave her key back.  She told me my dear friend Helen Warnock died.....26 days after her husband and about two months after they moved out of Monte Cristo to their son's house.   I am sad.  Off to target to get some pictures developed and then down to the mall to get my nails done. Home for a lunch and a rest and then shopping for food for the family Christmas party Monday.  Packing for overnight at Vernal tomorrow and am really tired tonight. Tomorrow is the reception in Vernal for Alex and Lindsey who were married a week ago in the SLC Temple......... Panniers went to the barn this morning so very quiet here tonight.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Oh the excitement of a week before Christmas when I was young and lived at home.........the big dance on Christmas Eve....the family and friends in and bad when you get older and your kids are grown.....and the grandkids grow almost just becomes another day!HOW SAD!!!  To brighten my day I love the following story:  This elderly couple went to town to do some window shopping.....When they came out of a store an officer was writing a parking ticket!  They went up to the officer and said....."Come on officer about giving a senior citizen a break?"  He ignored them and continued writing the ticket..... The husband called him an A--hole....he glared at him and started writing another ticket for worn-out tires.  So his wife called him a Sh--head....He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield.....then he gritted his teeth and started the third ticket.....this went on about 10 minutes ......the more they abused him, the more tickets he wrote.  THEN their bus arrived, so they got on and went home....But no worry.....they only do this particular  thing to cars with "Obama 2012" or "Hilary  2016" stickers!  So you can see old people have to think of something to keep them out of trouble......I can hardly wait to try it!!!!!!
Well unless it snows one of these day I don't know how Santa is going to get here......UNLESS SPOTTY DOT fills in!

DOWN TO ONE.......

Well, I am down to buying one more gift for Christmas......which I will do tomorrow when I go to the Mall to get my nails done and I am done, done, time to goof off.  Today it was Gigi's day to get all beautiful and ready for Christmas......she looks so pretty with her shampoo, nails cut, teeth cleaned and trimmed up a bit!
Rob and I checked out my new place last night.....all the cement poured, but still not framed.....and by the old place which will look nice eventually, but now very depressing for me to see.....I don't even like to go there.  "There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on."  It seems so easy to get stuck in your life....the easy way out.  As I worry about all my treasures and will I ever put my life back together......I have to just "let go" and let it be.....they are just things! I wonder if a little snow would help me get with the Christmas Spirit......?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


WELL.....with Christmas a week away I am really trying to get in the Holiday mood! No snow, not in my own little bed, some of the family causing problems, some of our family not able to be with us.....but still much to be thankful for! So I decided to concentrate on the messages and pictures of those who are in tune with the Lord and the reason for Christmas. Every day till Christmas I am putting in a reminder to enjoy all we do have.
My cousin Lucille called and said her daughter .....who just got married in October......... had just been diagnosed with hard for any family any time........but especially during the Holidays.  We will all need to give the family our prayers.  Still no snow, very cold, but not to Christmasey.  Hope the Peterson family party next Monday goes well, I guess I just had it to many years and controlled it and am not to involved this I worry.
Had three miserable experiences this past week......hope I get it all together and start having better luck in the New Year.  Any way Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I was shocked, confused, bewildered  as I entered Heaven's door......not by the beauty of it all, not the lights or it's decor.....BUT it was the folks in Heaven who made me sputter and gasp....the thieves, the liars, the sinners and alcoholics and the trash.......
There stood the kid from 7th grade who swiped my lunch money twice.....Next to him was my old neighbor who never said anything nice!   Bob who I always thought was rotting away in Hell....was sitting on cloud 9, looking incredibly well.
I nudged Jesus, "What is the deal?  I would love to hear your take.......How'd all these sinner get up here.....GOD must have made a mistake."  And why is everyone so somber, give me a clue.  "Hush child, 'he said, they're all in one thought they'd be seeing you!"
Is this what I have to look forward to?????  I don't like "druppy wings".......

Monday, December 15, 2014


Yesterday I wrote about Alex and Lindsey getting I have to add they have already started their family with a new 9 week old puppy named DOUGLAS!.....A Labadodle.  I have more great-grand dogs in my family than great-grand children.......0llie, Captain, Douglas, Aspen and can't forget the grand-dogs in the family......Marley, Izzy, Lilly, Macy, Bree and Henry......and my own little Gigi!  DOGS,DOGS,DOGS.
Nice luncheon with Shirley, Bonnie, Nancy, Shiree.....good way to start off the Holidays......then over to pick up the mail at my house front door, walk fixed and the bathrooms moving right along.....hope they can tie it up in a couple of weeks.  I feel the kids think I'm crazy or losing it.....not sure what is going on behind my back but definitely feel things are not good in the family.......and wonder if I am the cause of it???? I know Karrie is getting dumped on with the remodel, she is cool.....don't blame her but they won't let me do anything so I try to stay out of the way. It is......what it is!

Sunday, December 14, 2014



Saturday, December 13, 2014


ALEX GOT MARRIED TODAY......and I guess Andrea his cousin wasn't impressed with his and Lindsey's show of affection!!!!  The Christenson's hosted about 100 people after the Temple marriage at the Joseph Smith building to lunch and a program........Karrie worked very hard and it was so pretty.......a snow flake theme with fresh flowers, lites and candles. Each of the 10 tables had pictures of Lindsey and Alex at the age of the table number and a name card with a little silver snow flake the guest could take home for their tree as a souvenir.  Each place setting had a Christmas ball and there were pens to write a message to the kids that they could later take home and decorated their FIRST Christmas cleaver.  A hot chocolate bar and a desert bar completed the nice meal of turkey or beef.  My sweet nephew Mike Ramsey sang a song for them and Andrea had put together a slide show....... with a surprise ending of a recorded congratulations from his brother Braydon from Washington where he is on a mission........of course it brought a lot of tears to his immediate family.......we miss him so much........WELL DONE KIDS!
An interesting side note.......My X was there with his wife and made an effort to say hello to Leslie and Mike and the grandchildren.....much appreciated......It has taken us almost 29 years to get to this point!!!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


I will never get use to the idea unexpected things happen......but they do every day!  I was just about to leave today to pick up a friend for a luncheon......and guess what?......NO CAR KEYS anywhere.  That is the second set of keys I have lost since I moved in with Pam less than two weeks ago.......and I can't remember the last time I lost my mind maybe......but not my car keys!  Thank goodness Karrie remembered where I had packed my extra set until I run across my way to end a day......but enjoyed the luncheon with my friends.
I am so sorry Karrie is having to work herself to death over my house remodeling......Karrie and Rich are very busy and Karrie has all the good she has done all the running and lifting and making decisions......She took over the wedding decorations job for Sherrie and we will all be glad when the wedding is over on Saturday.   She is so independent she won't let anyone help her with anything.  Expect Leslie tomorrow and have to take Kennedy to his Therapist appointment while Sherrie goes to the Temple with Lindsey........It has been a long time since I have felt this bogged down and frustrated and uncertain of my feelings about what is going on in my life.....I am grateful for everything that is being done for me though.......I just felt it would be better after the Holidays and the wedding were over.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


 Everyone loves a party especially when it's for a new boy far they haven't agreed on a name for him!  This is three generations at a baby shower for Tiff at her aunt Julie's home....... and he will soon be the fourth generation in our family......maybe in time for Christmas.  Busy day checking out the demolition of my house, coffee with Patty and off to a movie tonight with Robbie.  Tomorrow lunch with the Domino Group and Sherrie is coming in to stay all night with us.
It might take a year.......It might take a day.......But what's meant to be will always find it's way!

Monday, December 8, 2014


It's my LESSONS!
Have you noticed how fate stitches together elements of your life that at first seemed unrelated?
Every test in our life makes us .....bitter or better.  Every problem comes to .....break us or make us.  The choice is ours whether we become the.....victim or victor.......believe me this is going on daily in our lives.  Today for instance we had to work out the problem of a huge dumpster in the drive way......first they left it in the street.....a big NO NO in our unit.  They came back and put it in the drive way.....BETTER!  Now to find a place for the workman to park over night....hopefully worked out......then to find the yard workers and hire them to rake the leaves and move some breaks in the back yard that Darren ordered done!  Then I drove out to check my new place and doesn't seem to be moving as fast as I hoped.......So each day I am learning and handling issues that affect my life......hoping I am doing OK......Oh yes, I need that cup of coffee to get me going every morning.......

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Lucky is the child that grows up in a good home with a good mother!  I think we heard our Mother's say these words and I know I have said them many times in one form or another to my three girls and probably some of the grandchildren......Did some retail therapy today......just had to get out and still have few presents to buy.  Robbie spent the day putting up Christmas Decorations in his yard......six big blow ups no less......lights all around the house on the fence and decorated the little new trees in the back yard....we are ready for Christmas.....only no snow!  I think it was in the high 50s today.....Pam said!....  .didn't wear a coat shopping.  Getting geared up for the wedding on Saturday, got a lot to do.  David Dee was staying at my house tonight to start the serious remodeling tomorrow.....yea!......Will try and get Salvador and Jose to move the bricks this week so the back yard will be in shape.....Maybe run by and see if they have started framing my house yet.  Enjoyed the cute Beer Commercial that Chase Ramsey has on Utube.

Friday, December 5, 2014


It would be so nice if you could blame someone else for your unhappiness.....but you can't!  It just is your choice to look at things positive or negative and go with it.  NO....I don't like what I am going through now.....I am not happy about it for several reasons.....but I guess I can choose to let it ruin my Holidays or choose not to ruin my holidays.  I do not like to see my kids having to do so much for me when they all have their plates full of weddings, babies, parties, working etc.......while I just sit idly by......but they did insist I needed to move, remodel and sell the condo.  Tonight I am very frustrated, but maybe I can sleep it off.
Had a nice shower for Alex and Lindsey today and they got many nice things to start their life off with.  Alex is coming to stay all night with us at Pam's house as he has a family Christmas party tomorrow night with Lindsey's relatives.   I am tired and I hope I can stay awake to let him in.........Pam is at a play and Rob is still duck hunting in Wyoming.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

M AND M'S........

Well another day closer to Christmas.  Pam has decorated her house so nicely.....and one of her favorite decorations are the M and M machines with all the Christmas colors in them.  At first I thought it a good idea to turn them upside down and pretend they said W and W..........and were the weight watcher pills......but then again....... I would look like the lady on the scale!!!!  I should be at a fun Christmas program and luncheon with the bridge club today at the Town Club......but had to cancel because I didn't have the energy to get all dressed up and down there and besides I need to pick up the food for tomorrow's shower here.  Pam off to work this morning.  Will stop by and see how the house remodeling is coming.....Sherrie coming in and staying all night with us.....IT'S ALL GOOD!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

BUSY DAY........

All I have to say is.......thank goodness for hair coloring or my hair would be as white as the snow with this move......or maybe it already is!  Ran over to get the mail and check on the house and ended up helping Karrie dismantle the place......she was tearing off the floor molding and door frames and I took off the light switch covers and David was there to start scraping the ceilings.  The family isn't wasting any time getting it ready to sell.
Pam is gearing up to have the shower here Friday and I am trying to keep up with everyone.  Karrie is working way to hard and seems to be Darren's right-hand man.  She had picked out samples for the up-stairs bathroom.....Tile, floor and paint colors......can hardly wait to see how it turns out.
Rained a little this morning but for the 3rd of December it really is nice weather here.  Rob off duck hunting in WYOMING all week.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I keep telling myself.....The Best is yet to come.  Yesterday they moved me out of my condo and last night was the first night with Panniers....they are very generous to take me in while my new place is being built......It was a long and hard month trying to get things ready to move after 27 going on 28 years in Monte Cristo Condo unit......My sweet girls and their husbands pitched in, but wouldn't let me lift a thing......Will I ever see all that STUFF again....sometimes you just have to let go and hope it will be there someday.....and I guess if it isn''s just STUFF!  This will be a busy month with the Holidays, wedding, new great-grandchild and all.....But I am sure I will be counting the days till March and I can get moved.  Went over today and they were going over the plans to do some updating so I can get it on the market.......for a decent price.  Best thing about it all......NO MORE STAIRS FOR MY POOR KNEES!  Rob off to Wyoming for the week to duck-hunt and Pam busy decorating for Christmas......and me just trying to get rested......I hope I have made it through the hard stuff ......until it is time to move it all again into the new place.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

TO MY KIDS.......

Yes, we all love to hear the words "I love you".....and I tell my family this often, BUT, I feel this with every fiber in my children are definitely the best thing that ever happened to me.  To have three and have ALL three turn out to be good, kind, loyal, independent, capable.....well there aren't enough words to cover how I feel about these three girls.  They are there for me in everyway, everyday so caring and loving and tell me they love me often!  This makes me feel I am successful as a mother.  When these little spirits were entrusted to me they did not come with a book of instructions on to raise successful, happy wonderful people.....somehow I lucked out.  Yes, I followed many of the examples of how my parents raised their five children and YES, I have made many mistakes but all in all These Three families are the keys to my happiness......I love my three son-in-laws who are also very good to me and we are friends and like each other and enjoy each others company. AND .....where do I start with the 9  grand-children these daughters have given me.  Three beautiful, talented, good grand-daughters.... two married and one in college.  The oldest one is having my first great-grand child in a month.........and six grandsons.  My oldest one graduated from college and is working and turning 24 in a few days.  The next three went on LDS missions and the one that is home is getting married in three weeks.  The two youngest are still in school but so far have not been in trouble with the law, on drugs and go to school and love sports, and life.  All this comes from the good parents my three girls have been.  They all have made me so proud.  PERFECT.....NO........!, no one is perfect but I will settle for how they are living their lives and making mine so wonderful!

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I have had a great Thanksgiving.....and have so much to be thankful for.  Good health.....good weather......wonderful family......nice friends.....and GOD.
Started the day off with feeding the Pannier's gold fish.....then got ready and had an early Turkey Dinner at Marie Calendars......a really good turkey dinner with all the trimmings and ending with pumpkin pie! with two good friends Shirley and Shiree.
Then Shirley and I went to see a really great movie "ST VINCINT".......Yes, I cried, it was such a neat movie for this Thanksgiving day.  A text from Sherrie they were in NYC and would see me tomorrow......two weeks is so long.  Karrie's family will be home tomorrow night so will take the dogs over tomorrow evening.....Marley and Izzy think 9 nights at grandma's is long enough.....but they have been good doggies for me.
So back to packing as soon as I get into my PJs.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

DUMPER DIVING...... many of you have been attacked by an iguana......who wanted the apple you were eating.   Here is Annie in St. Thomas holding out?  I think my family is having too much fun without me.
It was a beautiful sunny day here ......I went to my annual doctor appointment.....passed my senior citizen test and she thought I would live a few more months......haha.
AND today I did something that wasn't on my "bucket list"......I went "dumpster diving".....I needed some more boxes for my packing and Karrie wasn't here to do it for me......she said don't go buy boxes to move......hit all the dumpsters behind the stores and  get all you need....I DID!  I tell you....... this is the best bargain around.....I didn't see anything else I could use or needed......but quite an adventure!  Put this on your......"bucket list".
It has been a long hard week......pack, pack , the basement is done!  I am still wading though my stuff upstairs but I am taking tomorrow off to have a turkey dinner and go to a movie.......It is Thanksgiving!  I am about to my end........END.....a nice do you know it's the end unless you die.....that is probably the end!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


 Day by day......the black bags of trash or goodies for the DI go marching out my garage door......AND YET......I have a ton more stuff than I need or know what to do with.   I am so tired of making decisions.....Need it or not?  Want it or not?  Fit or not?  Any place for it in my new house.....or not!  Confucius says;  "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
My Symphony is to live content with small means;  To seek elegance rather than luxury; and refinement rather than fashion; To be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich;  To think quietly, act frankly, talk gently...... In a word to let the Spiritual unbidden and unconscious, glow up through the common.....This is my Symphony!
Got my nails done today and saw Santa at the Mall and it isn't even Thanksgiving?????  Also they turned the Christmas lights on in the condo tonight......

Monday, November 24, 2014


This is my Happy Thanksgiving surprise picture......The twins and their families in St. Thomas......missing their two missionaries......Brayden and Richard.  I should send them a picture of me sitting on a snow bank!!!!  So glad they are having fun.  Today was the usual packing job......I had been in the house all day Saturday and my PJs.....packing so today I went to the post office the bank and yes, I even went and wandered around Walmart looking at all the fun Christmas trees and decorations and I can't buy a fun thing.  Pam did say today that Rob bought a beautiful new Christmas Tree for us to enjoy next month. One week from today I think I will be moving out! I mailed out the invitations today for a shower for Alex and Lindsey the 5th of December. I am so close to being done-in.....I hope I can hang on a little longer!
"Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer.  And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good".  I really am grateful for my many blessings and thankful for my wonderful family.