Thursday, March 28, 2013


This has not been a travelin' year....I usually have my schedule full of
planned vacations but not this year.  I am saving the big day in September for my granddaughters wedding though.  I am lucky to get in a few weekends at the Pannier's cabin in Idaho and off to Vernal for a week of baby sitting. I say  enjoy each day no matter where you are.   Do you realize the solution to any problem is to just look up! That the answer, the escape route and the solution to any problem...Just look up to God.  Think about this if you put a buzzard in an open pen that is 6'by8' and entirely open at the top, the bird in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner....REASON buzzards always begin in a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet.  Without space to run it will not attempt to fly, but remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.  The bat cannot take off from a level place like a flat floor or ground.  They flop around until they find somewhere high to take off!  The Bumble bee dropped in a jar will remain till it dies going round and round in the jar.  People like the buzzard, bat or bee struggling with problems and frustration never realizing that all they have to do it to look up.
"Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, but faith looks up!  Live simply love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our creator who loves us."

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

FUN GIRL......

This is miss Andrea who is 17  and......She gets my vote......I am so proud of the grandchildren when they jump into life with both feet and take advantage of learning and doing great things in their life.  My grandson Brayden, Andreas age, has his pilots license and was out flying with his instructor over the weekend....such a great age to learn.  This is for SBO at Brighton High school, she is kinda feed up with the past two years of cheer-leader and looking for something new.  Next week she is off to LA for Cheer competition.  Enjoying her spring break this week in St. George with friends.  She was elected to go to Girls State in Cedar City, Interview with Cottonwood Heights city council and YMAD (Youth Make A Difference) to go to India for charity work coming up.  She is a volunteer aid with a school class a couple of days a week and is very good to her grandmother.  She also has a summer job as a life guard at the Willow Creek Country Club.  Does she sleep......a little!
Some day these kids .....which also includes my two missionaries, Alex and Richie.......will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that they will ever make in life.(Gordon B. Hinckley)  Cloudy and cool today, but at least no snow! 

Monday, March 25, 2013


When something unexpected happens in your life, is it a miracle or coincidence?  Like finding something you like, and they only have one and it is in your that a miracle or coincidence?  Things happen for a reason, just believe, and feel maybe God is watching over you.
I am about to have another birthday and I have been thinking  a woman deserve an adventurous life......or not! What are adventures?  Watching old women laughing together, families praying in church etc.  We must be open to adventure, seek it out, ask questions, dare to talk to strangers.  Have you ever exchanged bean salad receipts in the vegetable isle with a stranger?  Complimented someone on their pretty baby and ending up hearing someones family history because of an innocent's all good. A thought I like by  Richard G. Scott "A pebble held close to the eye appears to be a gigantic obstacle.  Cast on the ground, it is seen in perspective.  Likewise, problems or trials in our lives need to be viewed in the perspective of scriptural doctrine, otherwise they can easily over take our vision, absorb our energy and deprive us of the joy and beauty the Lord intends us to receive here on earth."   This does get easier as you get older.  Today is P-Day for my two missionaries and I always took forward to what is new in other parts of the world for two of my favorite people.  Off to the Dentist....ugh!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


This is one proud bird.....and should be.  The perfect wings, long skinny neck, chest held high and long slender legs....when I look at this picture I want to stand up straighter and hold my head higher. Last night had Mike and Andrea for dinner and the Cooks. Andrea is such an inspiration to me, she is a survivor and works for BYU now.  I quote her; " Although I may never have an opportunity to do great things or to inspire the world in a grand way, I do believe that by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass....and hope that some day all of the little things I do will in the end add up to something great, that I can make a difference in the world...(even just my small corner of it)....for the better and in the lives of my children, grandchildren and friends.  I admire people with determination and grit who do the hard things, the right things, in the face of great adversity."  She went from a life of everything to a life of nothing because of her X and his Ponzi scheme which has landed him in prison for many years.  She is raising her four children to be good, honest, ambitious, caring people.  She has a new husband, job and life and has helped many with her story of YES, WOMEN CAN!  I am so proud of the many women I know who have had to pick up the pieces of their lives when their husbands leave them or die and make a good life for their families in the years they have left to live. 
Nice to have my Panniers home safe from their cruise.....

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Be confident....too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we are not. When we are young and not so confident we do this a lot.  Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are.....and aren't .....that you will truly succeed.  You can observe this in your family with your siblings and then with your own children who wish they were more like the other. Steve Jobs is a man with confidence and has given us much, but do any of you wish to be him?
People have three choices in swim against the tide and be exhausted, tread water and get swept away or swim with the tide and go where it wants to take you.
Rob just called and they are home after a two week cruise....invited me to dinner tomorrow.  I broke down and am cooking dinner for my nephew and wife and one of my girls and her husband....NO, I am not sick! Snowed again last night and is very cold what else is new?  But, it's all good.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


A wonderful day at Sea World with five of the grandchildren.....Are you a good grandparent???  I know many people that ARE NOT!.  They turn their backs on the grandkids for many reasons, all selfish, but I am here to tell you I wouldn't change one single day I have had the opportunity to be a "gram" or "grammie"....for anything.  My mother was a wonderful grandma, tending, making clothes and teaching them to sing or paint.  I hope I am setting an example for my three girls to be good grandparents. As I ponder my memories of grandkids I remember the past twenty years with my nine grandchildren there are;........Trips to the Zoo, park, picnics, sleepovers, LOTS of birthday parties, Christmas parties at Grandma's house, swimming parties at grandma's pool, fun vacations to Disney Land, Sea World, Jackson Hole, Sun Valley, Lake Powell, Bear Lake, Cabin at Park City.
I sewed "fluffy dresses" for the girls and made Halloween costumes, dresses for their two aunts weddings.....and always brought home fun surprises to them from around the world when I traveled.
Then we moved into the school programs, church programs, blessing, baptisms, Halloween parades at school, grandparents day lunches.
Thrown in piano recitals (Rich), Violin recitals (Annie), Dance recitals (Nicci) swim meets, succor games, baseball games, football games, Lacross games and Scottie's basket ball games. Cheer Leading at games with Annie and Drill team with Nicci.
Then High School graduations for Tiff, Nicci, William, Alex and Richard Benj. College graduation for Tiff and Nicci and almost William......and Nicci graduation for her MBA.....
Eagle Scout work day for Alex and Ken's Eagle Scout to Mexico.  Brayden did his in Ghana and I didn't make it!!!! and I didn't help with Richies !But got in a couple of The Eagle  Scout award Ceremonies.  Missionary calls and Missionary Farewells.....
One wedding and one coming up.....and you ask what I have done in the past 20 years since I became a single gram?  I have done my share of baby sitting with all three families and loved it.  Being all that I can be in the grandparent department has been wonderful with always being invited to participate in the children's achievements.....My sister is a wonderful grandmother also,......but she doesn't tend dogs!....I DO.  You will never regret the time and energies you give those grand kids.
Went down to see the Mummies exhibit today with Shirley and a fun lunch a a snow storm.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


OH YES......This time last year I was starting to pack for a fun week in one of my very favorite places...MEXICO....for a week with fun people at an all paid resort on the beach. We had gone to Mexico to visit a small village with back-packs full of school supplies for Ken's Eagle Scout Project.  The Bains and Darren's mother Kay also were with us. This was a fun evening and you can see we were all livin' it up! On my bucket list to go back for another week in Mexico with the same fun people.
Tomorrow is the first day of Spring....yea!  Under partly cloudy skies Utah is yawning and stretching from it's long winter's sleep and awakening to spring.....and it has seemed like a very long winter to me. Tomorrow first day of Spring is always welcomed and can't get here too soon.....But, as usual another storm is forecast, hopefully just rain this time.  I do have some daffodils and tulips peeking out of the ground.  I am getting the urge to dig in the dirt and at least plant some of m pots.  Turned my income tax in today......what a relief and got my nails done and just made some great lettuce wraps.  Been at good day.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Happy St. Patricks.....on the right day!  For some reason I did my blog yesterday on St. Patrick's......but I didn't wear a green shirt.  Leslie put this on facebook this morning and it seemed so appropriate to me.....not Irish, never will be.....but I'll go along with it cause the kids enjoy it.  Like I say I would give the world to be Maxine's neighbor, she would keep life so interesting.  I can just imagine her with a house full of Leprechauns.  I do know there are real rainsbows but to find a pot of gold and a Leprechaun at the end of one is something I only contemplate.  I wrote a poem once and it ended;....THANK YOU GOD FOR FRIENDS....Now each in his own way reaches out to you, How could I imagine my friends were so few?  I know at the Rainbow's end, I won't find a pot of gold.....but you my friend.!  That I believe.  AND today is my oldest daughters real 34th anniversary!!!!  I texted them in Hawaii.


This is the time of rain and consequently rainbows....They are at the top of my list of "favorite things."  At my funeral I want Mike to sing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow." The words;  Somewhere over the rainbow sky's are blue. and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.....Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly, Birds fly over the rainbow, why, oh why, can't I? Some day I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me......Where troubles melt like lemon drops high above the chimney tops.....That's where you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly.....birds fly over the the rainbow, why, then oh why can't I?  That seems to be my question, but someday!!!
Will came and got my baby Bree today, she has been so much fun but kinda like grand kids, it's OK when they go home.
"May you always have the hindsight to know where you have been.....The foresight to know where your going AND The insight to know when you've gone to far."
My Richie B. left this morning for two years in Mexico, good luck sweet boy we will miss you.  Te Amo su Abuela

Saturday, March 16, 2013

34 YEARS AGO.....

Happy 34TH Anniversary to my oldest daughter and her husband....also Happy St. Patricks Day!  My first three wonderful grandchildren because of what happened in my life 34 years ago today.  Tiffany, Nicole and William have so filled my heart with love and my life with many wonderful times. Pam and Rob are on a cruise to Hawaii and having fun in Hawaii today.....and hopefully a wonderful anniversary.
As for St Patricks day, I will put on my green shirt because of the shamrock plant which is a beautiful green color and the symbol of rebirth of spring in Ireland.   The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over 1,000 years.  Not much is known about St Patrick the patron saint of Ireland, the day is celebrated for. As for Leprechauns, corn-beef and cabbage and the wonderful bagpipe music, Americans enjoy and all feel we are part Irish.
"Life is like a book.  Some chapters sad, some happy, and some exciting.  But, if you never turn the will never know what the next chapter holds."

Thursday, March 14, 2013


If everyone believed these famous words, how much smoother their lives would run!  I can tell you of several "what goes around comes around" situations I see happening every day. Makes you stop and think???  This in one form or another pops up everyday in our lives, TV, magazines etc.  I love magazines and read 6-8 a month. But not all the stuff you see in magazines fits the ordinary life,  They say size 12 is big....I say don't judge everyone the same.  We must dress right or end up in a 'Don't do this' column.  We must constantly seek perfection in all we do.  The same information every month with different titles gets tiresome.  How to cook, what to eat, what to wear, how to behave and what to think!  Some information is supportive, revealing, but much is repetitive, negative and demanding.   I read magazines to feel connected to other woman, many my age, but after I finish a magazine l like to feel uplifted and good. Every woman is living a journey of her own life.
I like women's magazines best they tell stories of each other.  How we sit or walk close together, telling stories of our lives, love, discoveries, challenges, pains and dreams.  We talk about everything and nothing.  Had a long talk with my little sister this morning.  Leslie and her family went on a cruise to celebrate her 70th birthday. Seems all went well.Will coming over to help with my patio furniture and bring Bree back after her vet appointment. Suppose to be 72 degrees today.....yea!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


"If you ask me what I came into this world to do....I will tell you I came to Live Out Loud.....(Emile Zoka)
No matter our age we wonder if we have accomplished anything worthwhile and whether it's to late to accomplish something new.
If the mold you have poured yourself into over the years no longer fits, smash out of it.  If you like those funky new fashions, brighter colors, new hobbies, new hair dos.....go for it. Your body can get old, but your mind doesn't have to.
"The Map Is Not The Territory."......When your 40-45 you don't stop and think, Wow, my life could be half over.  God gave us the power to live life to the fullest no matter the age.  Thank goodness his purposes and plans are not stamped "past expiration date" once we cross into the second half of life.  Think about this-----be positive and jump into learning or doing something new and fun.  I crochet, knit, make jewelry, practice Spanish, work sudoku, read my kindle, the list is long.
Results of growth in old age, discovering abilities, experiencing success, exploring fresh paths and challenge. Being a busy grandmother is the biggest joy in the world.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


"I just say every day above ground is one good day".......
Growing up in Colorado then spending the rest of my life in Utah I only know four seasons...transitioning from  one season to another is just how life is to me. Cold winters that melt into spring.....rain, thunder, flowers and green grass miraculously appear in the Spring and flow right into the longer hot days of summer, then fade and disappear into Fall with its beautiful colors and cooler nights......then its winter again. That's how it has been for the last 80+ years. I also have been transitioning through these many seasons.  Not easy, but one likes change, bu always remember God is your refuge, defender and source of strength.  Reduce the pressures on yourself by slowing your pace of life.  Get plenty of sleep, eat well and exercise.  Realize saying "yes" means saying "no" to something else.  You no longer can or have to do it all.  We need to lower our expectations of ourselves and others.  All this helps you move into your older self more easily.
Some things take preserving and through persevering we discover inner strengths, develop new skills, the rewards of this is a positive sense of accomplishment and success,  We find increased confidence to face what comes next.......more transitions!
Finally looking at a beautiful spring day, two more days and the big dog goes home......I may not let them have the baby dog back!

Monday, March 11, 2013


A very long night, the two dogs I am tending barked and squeaked all night......seem they have been spoiled and want to sleep in your bed.....sorry not at my house!!!! But, this too will pass in a couple of days. 
I am surprised at how many of my single friends will not go out alone.  When questioned why....they make squeamish faces and say "I couldn't go out alone.  It wouldn't be any fun and what would people think?"  They seem to think there is a social stigma about being alone....(translated: we must be boring, desperate or nobody likes us.) Going out alone is a skill, an art that can be learned, shared and implemented.  I remember it being hard at first when I became a Stewardess.  I had to learn to pass my free time on lay-overs shopping, going to movies and eating alone.   This came in handy as years passed and my pilot husband was GONE AT LOT!  Then when I became a single person I was primed for it.  Now I walk into a restaurant and think....this place is really lucky to have me visit it????  So easy to say  with confidence "table for one", sometimes I pull out a book, note pad to make a list on etc.Why can't you enjoy a movie alone?  They don't allow you to talk to anyone through it, even tell you a dozen times to turn off your phone.  I go to many movies alone and love it.  I seems it is all in the Attitude, Confidence , Curiosity and Openness you possess.  I do not go to bars alone and I don't think I would like traveling alone, and I prefer walks alone.  I really like myself and found through the years you can do a lot of "sittin' home alone" if you don't do what you want, when you want and where you want.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Did you remember to set your clocks ahead?  I love the old Indians  idea of changing the clock twice a year.......Arizona doesn't bother with this and they do just fine. But, if you don't it leads to many head aches of being late for everything in life for a few months, then early for a few? All these crisis are avoided if you comply with the rules.
I survived some disastrous years first I was mad at God but through the years I have learned to thank God for the crisis, he had  fresh path for my in which I could grow and prosper.  With Gods help----not realizing it at the time----crisis and change act like fertilizer, like growth granules, that spur us to grow and blossom into the real person God knows we can become.  We all confront many changes in the seasons of our lives.  We can eventually emerge so much happier on the other side.
I never dreamed I could or would do all the wonderful things I have accomplished since my divorce 27 years ago. I have stood on the equator in Ecuador, lectured on cruise ships, watched a sun eclipse on a cruise ship in Koto Kina Bula, been to Cayambe Ecuador the city at the center of the earth, mailed myself a post card from the Galapagos Islands, another tourist picked it up and when they got back to the states mailed it back to me.....that is how mail use to travel! Rode an elephant in Chang-Rai Thailand and a camel in Egypt by the Spinx.Sailed down the Rhine River, the Danube River, the Nile River, the Amazon River and the Midi Canal in France and all the oceans.  Thank you God for showing me a new exciting life.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


'We make a living by what we get, We make a life by what we give." Over and over you hear 'You are who you are because of  who your parents were.....and who their parents were', In our lives the people we meet who affect our lives and the success or downfalls we experience, help to create who we become.  Even the bad experiences can be learned from other people.  If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart.....forgive them.....for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious.  So, create your own life then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.
Wayne Dyer says, "If you would like to accomplish something.....You must first expect it from yourself."
Will brought Drake and Bree over this morning while he is off on Spring Break to Idaho.  Gigi seems to be good to welcome all the four-legged relatives that I tend.  Big Drakie is house broken......but not baby Bree! I have the pee pads strung all over the house, but she usually goes where she wants.  She is so cute you can't not love her.....but spoiled, wants to be carried and loved all the time.  Panniers sleep with her but I will probably just put her down with the big dog.

Friday, March 8, 2013


"You educate a man.....You educate a man.  You educate a educate a generation."  (Kristianne Amanpour)
No one passes through life untouched!  My own journey is full of fear, pain, love, wonder, ecstasy, luck, daring and marvelous imperfections.  My family and friends have traveled along with me as I have shared my stumbling astonishment's, and discoveries as a woman.  I can't believe I have made it this far and still going strong.  For many years my passion was traveling.  I was determined to have been to 100 countries by the time I was 70.....and I made it.  I wanted to belong to the "100 Countries Country Club".....after four cruises and a week in Mexico last year this year I am just sittin' it out. Whenever I read travel books THIS YEAR, I am so grateful that other people are still going to far-flung places, climbing mountains, joining  expeditions, and then write about their experiences and I can just read about them. I do feel grateful because I can vicariously travel with them without leaving my recliner chair. 
I look forward to hearing all about my sister's trip to the Caribbean, she will be home tomorrow.  I have been there, done that.  My daughter and her husband are leaving for a two week cruise to Hawaii tomorrow....been there, done that.  My neighbor has been in Cancun three weeks, will be home in a week.....been there, done that.  A nephew's son is honey-mooning in Vienna and Budapest......been there, done that.  I will love hearing all about their trips.  I have been lucky and in my almost 81 years seen the world first hand, now I enjoy hearing about others travels on email, text or phone.
Sherrie was in town for a few hours....met her for had lunch and went shopping for her birthday coming up.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Yep, that's me.....wearing purple.  A few years ago I was regularly going to the Olympus Senior Center.  I was loving my Spanish classes, enjoying the lectures and craft classes.  My good friend Norma and I were put up to be on the Board of Directors and both won.  I was over the parties and activities and so enjoyed it.  Norma and I did the garage sales, took the seniors on outings (you know the Heber Creeper ride and Redd Butte gardens etc.  The Saturday night dances were a hoot, always had a good turn out.  Norma and I took the money, passed out the door prizes and danced with the single old (my age) men that always showed up! Always looking for new activities Norma and I decided to start a RED HATS GROUP.  It was a great success.  Once a month we carted in tea cups, tea pots, tea bags and sweets for a couple dozen little old ladies.  After awhile we decided to all go to lunch and have a speaker. Of course, I headed down to the DI (Desert Industry) and get me an  outfit???? Oh my!  I am no longer active at the center but read in their bulletins that the Red Hats are still meeting at Chuck-a-Rama or the Golden Corral. I am proud of that and then I found the poem call "Warning".....immediately got rid of that outfit.
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple.....With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.  And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves.....And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.  I shall sit down on the pavement when I am tired....And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells.....And run my stick along the public railings....And make up for the sobriety of my youth.  I shall go out in my slippers in the rain....And pick the flowers in other people's gardens....And learn to spit. You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat......But now we must have clothes that keep us dry.....And pay our rent and not swear in the street.....and set a good example for our children, But maybe I ought to practice a little now?  So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised....When sudden I am old, and start to wear purple.  (don't even own anything purple now days....or a red hat!)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I fell in love with this front door and I can imagine it anywhere I choose to be that day....Italy, Spain France.  In my mind this door leads to the little place I have built to spend the rest of my life in. Yesterday I went to see my old travelin' friend in the rest home where I am afraid she will spend the rest of her life.  After 20 minutes of riding up and down the elevator, checking out lunch rooms, her original room, the room they said they moved her to, she was finally spotted in therapy......and I just depressed to see all those "old" sad people.
If we had known we were building "our own" house through the years, the one we end our lives in.....would we have done better?  We probably would have taken better care of our bodies, and saved more money for a better rest home ......with a room for God.
So it is with life, we build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into our building.  Then, with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built the rest of our lives.  I guess if we could do it again we would do it much differently.  But, we cannot go back.  We are the carpenters and every day we pound another nail.  Someone once said, "Life is a do-it-yourself project." Our attitude and the choices we make today, help build the "house" we will live in tomorrow.  Therefore build wisely!
A great attitude becomes a great day......which becomes a great month......which becomes a great year.....which becomes a great life.  Beautiful warm day, maybe spring is just around the corner.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Was I really five once?  Here is a picture to prove it with my big bow and Shirley Temple curls and little sister JOAN who was two. As you can see I always loved life and looked happy.  Now many years later and much water under the bridge I look back at pictures of days gone by with love and good memories.
Most of us cringe at the thought of we set foot on this reluctant passage we can't help but wonder....what will the days ahead bring. Will our children stay in touch, will we start to dress dowdy, are we going to feel aimless.....even useless?  Life does not have to be lonely or aimless we can still fulfill many of our dreams and travel, watch our grandchildren grow up and succeed in life.  Don't think decay, dependence and death but determine to take care of your body, deepen your dependence on God and don't die before your actual date of decease.  I try to feel myself as a more mature, improved model of my younger self.  True the packaging is more wrinkled and lumpy and I move a lot slower.  But I do look ahead to see what God still has in store for me and thank him for each day he gives me.
If it's free, It's advice;.....If you pay for it, It's counseling;......If you can use either one, It's a miracle!

Monday, March 4, 2013


Queen Elizabeth was released from the hospital today, her fifth visit in her 86 years. I needed to include this picture of the royal family, William and his new wife Kate who are expecting in July, for my posterity to enjoy someday.  The Queen is five years older than I am and seems to have been in my life always.  The big question.....who will be the next king.....Charles or William? Will I still be around?
The Queen has had her share of ups and downs and transitions into old age.  Three of her four children have gone through was huge when Charles cheated on Princess Di for his old girl friend Camilla.....who is a real dog.  But, looking back Charles did not deserve Princess Di.....mother of his two boys. It is just such a sad ending for her being killed in a car wreck.  The Queen's grandchildren have given her a few aha moments.....good and bad.  She never gives up and is every inch a lady.......LONG LIVE THE QUEEN.
I was always taught to respect my elders, but it keeps getting harder to find one! AND
The irony of life is that, by the time you're old enough to know your way around, your too old to go anywhere.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


This is Dick Yeomans and Hazel Goff when they were dating....young, tall, slender and gorgeous.....They are my creators , my molders of life and life views.  They always loved each other and set good examples. They  taught me to love God, to be honest and truthful and frugal. To be loyal to family and know the rest of my life can be the best of my life.  I never was mistreated or went hungry.  They never did anything to embarrass me or not be very, very proud of them. They told me they loved me, were proud of me and behind me in whatever I did, even though at times I bet they weren't sure of my decisions.  They let me make my own mistakes and learn and never said "I told you so."  My mother was fun, friendly, out going and could do fact when my brother was little and she had just made him a sling shot out of an old inter tube and a willow branch......told someone his mother and Jesus could do anything. She felt very honored to be put in the same category as Jesus. I second that thought. On the other hand my father was quiet and reserved and easy going.  I adored them and hope wherever they are they are hearing my thoughts or reading my blog, because I may not have told them thanks enough for my wonderful heritage and life.  THANKS YOU GUYS.

EMBRACE THE DAY...........

Embrace the gotta try your luck at least once a day, because you could be going around lucky all day and not even know it!
I get up every morning and thank God for my family......starting with my wonderful parents.  A persons own family is, without a doubt, the greatest wealth that we will ever possess.  Treasure every moment and take the time to ensure that the story you create is one that you will be proud of and look back on with a huge smile and pride. What would I change about how I lived my life and raised my three girls.....nothing but maybe not having their father walk out on us......they are wonderful people, raising wonderful children and making their mark in the world.  I would love to still have my parents around and sit around our old kitchen table and thank them for all they did to mold my life and teach me how to stay centered and never look back.  Yes, if I died tomorrow, I would know I would be remembered as a good mom, mother-in-law and grandmother.  Also, hopefully a good daughter, sister, aunt and cousin!  AND I was a good wife......
Are you happy? If the answer is yes, then keep doing what your doing.  If the answer is no, ask yourself if you want to be happy.....if the answer is no then keep doing what your doing, BUT if it is yes then change the things your doing.  It is really a very simple formula.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


This little bird looks like I feel most mornings! I don't know why but weekends seem to be the time you really "let down".  I know for single or old people weekends always seem twice as long now than they use to be when you had a family and tried to cram so much into them. I am working on the coffee and yes have my eyes open.
Every story has an end but in life every ending is just a new beginning.....and can well be a great story. As Katic Couric says, " I'm trying to stay in the game and live a full life.....for me Betty, it is a little slower.......  While I don't love each new wrinkle, I'm not obsessed with them either.  I'm focusing on staying active, continue to learn and expressing gratitude for my health."  I feel very lucky with "Me" hitting 81 next month.  I didn't plan to get just happened! But I am doing great being older.
Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength.  We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own worth.  Look at Pope Benedict.....he walked away from being the pope not because of weakness, but had the strength to determine someone else could carry on better.

Friday, March 1, 2013

YES THERE IS........

Yes there is a skinny woman somewhere in there.  I know because until I was about 60 or so I never had a weight it is an up hill battle with the pounds.  Today in the paper was this wonderful colorful add for Artic Circle for fish and chip or shrimp and fries with a dollar off coupon.  I made the mistake of putting it up where I can see it very plainly and somehow the Lean Cuisine or Atkins low calorie dinners are not calling as loudly as the thought of those fish and chips!!!! The people that make up the adds really know their stuff.......I will battle this all day and never tell which one won out, but you can probably just look at the outside and know. I know I need to take good care of myself at this age and found some good suggestions.  "If it's wrong, don't do it.....Say exactly what you mean.....Don't be a people pleaser......Trust your instincts......Never speak bad about yourself....never give up on your dreams.....don't be afraid to say "NO".....don't be afraid to say "YES" kind to yourself....let go of what you can't control......stay away from drama and negativity as much as possible. Be kind to yourself is in there somewhere and I'm not sure how long the add is good for?