Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Spent a fun afternoon with some relatives.  We don't see each other enough and have so much to laugh, cry and remember of our many years together.  These pictures are of Korina Northcott, my sister Dixie's oldest daughter.  On the left she is with her middle daughter, Kameron, who just graduated from high school and her husband Bill.  On the right is the whole family. L TO R....Matt her son, Bill and ?...then her first husband, Tim, the father of Kameron and Matt, Kourtney her oldest daughter ,Kameron, Korina and her father's only sibling, Cookie (from Colorado).
Korina was in town to move Kourtney back to Arizona.  I ran over to West Valley and picked up my cousin,Lucille. which she had not seen for several years.   Lucille turned 80....... 9 days after I did last month so this was our 80th birthday lunch from Kinna. I am very proud of Korina, she was a single mother for about 7 years before she married Tim.  She was by her Mom and Dad's side through all their sickness with cancer and eventually their death.  Her only sister was killed in a car wreck in which my daughter Karrie walked away and Rachelle did not. Her little brother has been a headache in and out with problems with the law.....she just keeps smiling and is very religious!  These pictures will be fun for my future generations to look back on.  ........Ate too much!
Just for fun.....My sister Leslie has a Kristi and a Kevin.  Her daughter Kristi has Kylie, Kelly and Kooper.  My sister Dixie has Korina, who has Kouurtney, Kameron.  My sister Jo's daughter Tammie has 3 boys......Koden, Kyson, Kalvin. I have a Karrie......has our family over used the K-names?

Monday, May 28, 2012


This is such an important day in America.  We are free and safe but only because hundreds of good men and boys and women died to keep us FREE.  I lived in a small community and every year, my family gathered the flowers that were in bloom and we made our annual trip up to the graves of grandpa and grandma, uncles, cousins etc.  People drove in from around the state and it was like some kind of a reunion visiting with others you had not seen since last year.......including other relatives..   Then back home for dinner or a picnic.  Once in awhile I entertain the thought where will I end up?  Will anyone visit me on Memorial Day?  Does it really matter?  Not something to worry about.  I am trying not to be a worrier......"If you don't like how you are feeling, then, change the way you're thinking."  I know that our thoughts create our feelings, and we can choose our thoughts.  How can I change my way of thinking?  There are two things you never need to worry about:  1.  the things you can control and 2.  the things you can't control.  In the first case,we  can deal with the situation by appropriate action.  Thus,no need to worry: we can rest assured that we have done all we can.  In the second case worrying about things we cannot control can paralyze and demoralize us.  Forget it: it is out of  our hands.  "For every problem under the sun, There is an answer or there is none.  If there is one, then try it.  If there is none, then never mind it."  Doesn't that little saying make it sound easy to stop worrying.........What would I do if I didn't have something to worry about?    Off to a Bar-B-Q in Midway.......sunny and nice but pretty cool. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I am an ARIES, I am adventurous, energetic, courageous, enthusiastic and confident......I am not sure about pioneering (I have thanked God many times for not having been assigned to the time of the pioneers settling SLC valley).....I would never had made it.  I am not dynamic or quick-witted but no one is perfect!  Some people get up and go to bed with what their horoscopes dictate, I am not one of those people.  I am concerned about my Legacy though.  I sometimes wonder how I am demonstrating my commitment to making a difference in the world, making the world a better place. Your legacy is the service you provide, the mark you make on the world while you are here and the one you will leave behind when you're gone.  Although my days are numbered, may my good works never be!  Your Picasso for the day.....A cool, Sunday and very quiet weekend.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


This is Jim Riffey and his wife Elaine Ramsey Riffey.....with a grand or great-grand child I presume.  When it popped up on my Face Book so many wonderful memories rushed in.  Growing up Jim lived across the street from me with his parents and little brother Jack.  Having no brother for so long we kinda adopted them with our family of four girls.  His mother Desa Riffey was my high school Typing and Spanish teacher....she was Mrs Riffey at school!  Elaine Ramsey lived a block down the street and was my sister Jo's best friend.  Her little brother Danny, married my sister Leslie.  We had a lot of fun times and good memories way back then.
When I think about life and the paths we choose I do so with awe.  Realize the treasure that is yours.  We see people letting go of their children, families, spouses, friends and professional knowledge, all accumulated over many years.  Their good health the good things in life.  People now days throw out the window what God gives them so freely. Look around and value what you have, home, loved ones, friends, knowledge, good health.  There is no re-do in life so as you look back it is best to do so with no or few regrets.  I realize we do the best we can with what we have at the time.....and all make a few mistakes.  I just thank God and hope to be in tune with him who will provide courage needed to be certain of victory in my struggles of what is ahead for an older person.  But with so many wonderful memories of the past.....Hey, I can handle it!
Korena just called on her way to Salt Lake to move Kourtney home and wants to meet with Luicille and I for lunch Tuesday, look forward to it.

Friday, May 25, 2012


As I slide through the years I know I'm running out of space to keep collecting things!!!!  Through the years I cut back from "things".....but they are still everywhere!  I started just bringing back pictures from my travels, but now my walls are full.  I just discovered I can have a wonderful collection of "Picassos" and store them on my computer and in my blog every day.  Some day I am going to be an artist, like start any day now, and my model is Picasso.  He paints with the thought there is no good or bad, right or wrong, he just goes for it.....what a sense of freedom from all those rules out there.  I want to model Picasso, he is my hero.  Grandma Moses started late in life , why not Grandma Betty doing the same??????  You will be seeing more of these interesting pictures along the way.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


What would our world be like without Dr. Seuss?  In my younger years I was raised on nursery rhymes and I passed that on to my three girls, but then to add to them for children's learning along came Dr Seuss with his 'Green Eggs and Ham' and my very favorite one "Oh the place you will go!" He makes learning fun and even adults enjoy them.  I love how he can make you really stop and think.....like the following one.  JUST ASK DR. SEUSS........
"When you think things are bad.  When you feel sour and blue.  When you start to get mad.....You should do what I do....Just tell yourself, Duckie you're really quite lucky!  Some people are much more.....oh, ever so much more......oh, muchly, much-much, more unlucky than you!  Just look around and know how true that little rhyme is.  If you have your health, your family, a warm home and enough to eat you are muchly, much-much more lucky than millions in the world!  Thank you Dr. Seuss to help put this truth into our children's and our lives.
"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children....To leave the world a better place....to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.....This is to have succeeded."   Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Mis-sion-ary (noun)
Someone who leaves their family for a short time so that others may be with their family's for Eternity..........
This picture was taken on the day of Alex's farewell.  At the time it didn't seem real he would be gone two years to a foreign country......but he is.  Today I got the sweetest e-mail from him reassuring me he missed me, loved me and I was his favorite grammie!!!!  It made my day.
Sherrie dropped by with my new granddog.  She is a cute little things but has a lot of "learning" to do.  Gigi seemed to like her.  Went to see one of my favorite doctors today.....Dr. Powell my dermatologist.  Things looked good which is always good news.  Learned a new word today that seems to apply to our president!  HUBRIS (hu-bris)......Means extreme haughtiness, pride or arrogance. Hubres often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power......

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


You know how I have been introducing my great-grandkids/dogs..........Well, I also have a new grandchild/dog......Sherrie's new mother's day present, named Macy (i think).  She has been a hand full, house training her and a running away problem.  This is all expected with a new puppy! Well to prove just how much you love your dog, you sometimes have to be tested.  Sherrie got her test this weekend.  After church Sunday they decided to jump in their plane and fly down to their house boat in Lake Powell for the night to watch the eclipse.  Well that was the puppies first airplane ride.......and it was on Sherrie's lap and got so nervous it could not control it's bowels.......all over Sherrie and the airplane. I can't even imagine the smell and no place to put the dog or clean up till you land would have been fun!  It was a good thing Darren had given it to her for Mother's Day or I can imagine him opening a window and the dog would now be wandering around in the clouds in doggie heaven. She had to go buy a new skirt and blouse to have something to wear that night.  She could laugh about it the next day and they were back home but that dog may not any more airplane rides for a while.  Aint life fun?  It was 94 degrees yesterday, broke the 90 degree record of 1919 for this time of year.  I'm not complaining when I see Phoenix was 108........besides I love the hot weather.  We tried to watch the Eclipse on Sunday, but it was too cloudy to really get a good view from here.

Monday, May 21, 2012


It took 26 years, but I thinkl I have finally realized I have moved forward in the forgiveness department.......I read and fully agree on the following:  This a picture of Alex the day of his farewell, with him are his two grandfathers, both of whom walked out on their families many years ago.  They have very little if anything to do with their grandchildren, but all of a sudden make an effort to be involved in  some of their lives.  Needless to say there has been a lot of anamosity in the family, but on this day my X and I seemed to come together a little after 26 years and it felt good. The following is so true......"Do you want to know what the best revenge is?  HAPPINESS....If someone screwed you over or hurt you, don't go after them.  Don't try to get them back.  You just lower yourself to their level.  You'r better than that.  You do better without them.  Forget about them and live your life happy not because someone made you do it, but because you wanted it for yourself."  I can happily say, I have done just that.....yes there were a couple of hard years but with the help of my wonderful family, I realized all his problems he took with him which free-ed me up to live happily ever after!  I am and have been very happy these years being single and accomplishing much in my life.  I even wish the grandpas a lot of happiness, but I sometimes wonder just how happy they really are?   "I HATE THAT.....WHAT IF FEELING"

Add caption

Saturday, May 19, 2012


In the last "Women's World" I picked up was an article that made my day......and I quote: "Hold the housework!'  Having a less-than-spotless home can cut your risk of autoimmune problem as much as 43%.  Living with a little dirt.....or maybe a lot....helps your immune system distinguish between healthy tissues and invading germs!"  Wow, can you believe that? Why would anyone live with a spot-less house and kill yourself. Through the years I have had a few little tricks I use when I get a little behind and someone drops by unexpectedly.  I keep a pile of get well cards handy and if the relief society visitors drop by I hurry and set them around, no one can condemn your messy house if you have been ill. Oh yes, and another good one is to hang some clothes from the closet around and leave the ironing board up, if you have been slaving over an ironing board all day, you can't possible clean up the house too. I should be really healthy as the older I get the harder it is to push the vacuum or mop and dirty windows keep the bright sun from fading you rugs and furniture.
"Be not afraid of going slowly:' be afraid only of standing still".  Chinese proverb

Friday, May 18, 2012


My granddaughters keep me updated on Facebook on my only "greatgrand"dogs/children......Someday I hope to show off and brag about grandchildren, but until then I have Captain on the left and Oliver on the right. Captain belongs to Tiffany and Scott.  Scott had Captain when he and Tiff got married and has been a constant source of entertainment for them.  She said this picture was taken after a hard day at doggie school, he has a lot of energy really, but school can wear you out!
Oliver on the right belongs to Nicci and Bill.  He is Havanese, and fairly rare in the US.  His ancestors were brought in from Havana, Cuba. He is too cute and irresistible to hug, but understand he is a very busy puppy.  The reason I am blogging about this part of my family is someday when I have the other kind of great-grandchildren they will be reading their great-grandmother's blog/journal/picture album and see these pictures and their parents will tell them,"yes, that was our baby before we got you??" They will be so excited......I think! Aren't they cute?
Karrie and I went to the new Marshall's Store this morning in a blinding rain storm, nothing like retail therapy to brighten your day.  Seems kinda small but had lots of cute things, then stopped for lunch......and it's weekend again tomorrow. Off to do laundry and catch up on house work. Have a nice day.........

Thursday, May 17, 2012


The picture at the right do not have much to do with the subject of my blog today, but I am trying to create a blog and history of pictures with my writings.  I was at the Cooks home the evening of the prom and got to see Andrea and her date off and Richie off to get his date Noall.  Love to see the grandchildren enjoying life!
Every day your will power comes into play....I will dust, I won't eat but one cookie, I will call my sick friend......Cutting back on sweets, cigarettes or anything else?  It'll be a lot easier to pass when someone offers you a cookie or a Marlboro if you say, "I don't want it"' rather than "I can't have it."It is revealed from studies that saying "I can't" makes you feel deprived of something desirable, which weakness your defenses against the temptation.  By contrast, saying "I don't " makes you feel in control and empowered to stick to your goals!

Monday, May 14, 2012


What's this kinda tired stuff?  Boy, when I'm tired, I'm tired and I really know it!  Being tired seems to be a popular topic of conversation with my age group and some even younger.  Talked to my sister this morning and she was tired, my friend called complaining how tired she was after a busy Mother's Day weekend and my cousin is always tired.  I know tiredness comes with being older and I am trying to grow old gracefully and do lots of different things that help me live my life to its fullest.  Helping others always makes me feel better.  I have lots of fun hobbies that I keep busy with and enjoy.  I love my Kindel and have been reading some fun books.  My favorite TV shows are the History channel, Discovery channel, Animal channel and Travel channel shows that I can learn something from......you noticed I left out the cooking channel??? I love spending time with old friends and reminesing about old times.  I love learning new things like Spanish and taking quilting and art clases.  It is best to have a positive, happy attitude, if your back hurts or your arthritis or allergies are acting up, tell your doctor, not everyone else.  It is so much more pleasant to focus on what you can do and not so much on what you can't do, and it will help your attitude immennsely.  My grandchildren do a great job of keeping me young, This is Andrea this weekend with her cute prom date and in her beautiful dress with purple tennis shoes under neath, we have lots of good times together.  I am so proud of all nine of my grandchildren and they do keep me youung!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOM.......I know you are up there watching over me and my family.  I was always so proud that you were my mother and everyone in are small town loved you. All my friends, boys and girls, loved to come to my house because you made them feel welcome.  You were kind and good and fair, you shared your many talents of music, sewing, hair cutting, painting, love of old things like pots and people not to mention drift wood and strange rocks.  You were not judgemental and you loved everyone and everything unconditionally, two characteristics I wish I had inherited.  You were 58 when God called you home, you were really needed more up there I guess.  I was 38 and knee deep in my life, marriage and raising three little girls.  You knew my marital situation but never interfered or told me to leave, you just worried and was always my soft spot to fall back on.  Thank you for a wonderful, secure, life growing up.  You and Dad always backed me and encouraged me, even though I am sure there were times when you did not agree with me.  You knew by me making mistakes I would learn.  I have tried to be a good mother for my girls, I am not sure I have succeeded, but I will never stop trying.  I had breakfast with the Cook family and am having dinner with the Panniers.  Sherrie called me and shared a picture on her phone of her new  Mother's Day present........a new dog.  Darren texted me Happy Mother's Day.

Friday, May 11, 2012


I cannot believe the news each morning.....is there nothing good happening in the world anymore?  I do not like to wish my few precious years away, but it really will be nice when November comes and goes and we don't have to hear the politicians crap anymore.  It seems people have stopped being good human beings......
1. You will receive a body.  You may like that body or hate it but it will be yours for the entire period of your life.
2.  You will learn lessons.  You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called life.  Each day you will have the opportunity to learn lessons.
3.  There are no mistakes or accidents, only lessons.  Growth is a process of trial and error and also experimentation.
4.  A lesson is repeated over and over until it is learned.  That lesson will be represented to you in many forms until you have learned it and only when you have learned it, will the next lesson come to you.
5.  Learning lessons never end.  There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons.  You can be certain that if you are alive, there are still lessons to be learned.
6.  Others are merely mirrors of you.  You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you either love or hate within yourself.
7.  What you make of your life is up to you.  You have all the tools and resources you need.  What you do with them is your choice  and no person or any circumstance can change that opportunity.
8.  All your answers are right inside you.  All you need to do is look, listen and trust,
9.  You will forget all this.  No matter how often you read this or how deeply you believe it or how often you promise yourself you will never forget it, within one minute you will...............Oh well, I will try!
Going to lunch with Sherrie and get some dusting done.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I love winning......and it's better on my high blood pressure too.  Went to watch Richie play LaCross last night, they are in the final play offs for this year and it was the first game I had made it to.  The game was tied off and on which makes it even more exciting!  But, we beat Highland 5 to 4, and that's what matters.  Next game Saturday. Sports are such a great learning tool for children, and children learn what they live:
If a child lives with criticism he learns to condemn.  If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight (I have seen this in my family.)  If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.  If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty. (I saw this with my little sister JO}.  If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to have confidence (I was always encouraged in everything I did, and had good self-esteem always.} If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate.  If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.  If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith.  If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world.
To bad each parent doesn't have to memorize this when their first child is born and use it as a guide to raise their family.  I have seen some of these rules in action and I guess every parent is allowed a few mistakes. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Yea, my day is complete.......my missionary emailed me!  In this picture he is the little guy on this end? We always thought he was tall, caught up with his father, but the church is putting out some big boys now days.  This is the group that were off to Brazil when Alex left.  Wednesdays will be his P-day so I will be dialed in to the email on Wednesdays.  Brazil is so far from home.....i know because I have been there.....and two years is a long time, but I am so proud of him. 
Every day I make a list of to-dos.  In my younger days, if I didn't get most or at least half of the things checked off----I failed. Well, now days if I can get out of bed and carry on----I check it off as a successful day!  Now the important things I check off as a successful day are not how much laundry I did, if the floors got mopped or the furniture dusted, it is if my girls called me.  Two daughters do regularly and the third one even makes my day with a text message now and then, at least she is thinking of me.  I love hearing from grandchildren and my sister, my cousin and Mike, my nephew. Also, a talk to one or more of my best friends lights up my heart. Make your time account for what is most important in your life and will be remembered many years after you are gone

Monday, May 7, 2012


Boy are we spoiled!!!  No power for eight hours kinda wakes you up to what the pioneers lived with.  Scottie slept over and we didn't get up until about eight only to find my power was off, the phones didn't work, the electric garage door wouldn't open, no TV, lights, micro wave, my cell phone was down to one bar and I could not recharge it, I went up stairs, sewed on a few buttons and was going to mend some things, no power for my electric sewing machine.  The house got very cool as the outside temperature was cool yesterday..Power outage's happen every now and then for an hour or two, but after eight hours you really realize how lucky we are now days......There was an accident down the road somewhere that took out a light pole they said.  When Karrie came to pick up Scottie for church she brought me a Mcmuffin and coffee so that was a bright spot in my day. I'm hoping it warms up today so I can get my flowers planted.  Got this email about cucumbers and all the wonderful things they can do for you.....so went out and bought three cucumber plants so I can grow my own.  I usually don't do gardens, but I'm going to give this one a shot!  Well, have a long list of to-dos today because yesterday was non-productive day so better get started.......

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Happy Cinco de Mayo!  Mexico's Independence day is observed on September 16, and marks the end of Spanish rule.  Cinco de Mayo commemorates  the Battle of Pueblo when outnumbered Mexico troops defeated the French.  Not an official holiday in Mexico.  We celebrate it mostly because of our Mexican Heritage.....and excuse for a holiday with mariachi bands, wonderful Mexican food and lot of tequila in margaritas. The picture is of the girls and I at our last visit to Mexico in February.
My friend and I spent Cinco de Mayo in Oaxaca, Mexico one year and I can tell you that was one heck of a celebration......it was real and I loved it.  We sat on a little patio on their local city square and there was a parade around the square with wonderful music and every, I mean everyone joined in.  Fancy costumes, cleaning people with brooms and mops, middle class, old, young, everyone joins in......we were even invited to join them, but declined to watch and take pictures. Food vendors, music and happy people every where, I will always remember that Cinco de Mayo in Oaxaca!
Got spring fever and started buying flowers to plant.  Did all the pots on the back porch, but cold today so will hold off a few days on the pots in front.  I truly love this time of year and need to get my little humming birds food out. Richie planted some grass for me and got out my summer furniture, started the fountains, what do people without good grandkids do when they get  old?    Scottie and I are going to a movie tonight and he will sleep over as his parents are busy and the older two have about outgrown the baby sitting thing!  We will have our own little Cinco de Mayo party with a movie and stop at McDonalds........

Friday, May 4, 2012


Busy, exciting time for everyone that finally makes it through those 12 long years of school.  So many memories good and bad.....Looking back to this time of year 62 years ago in the little town of Mancos, Colorado I was 18 and graduating from high school. You might label me the poster child for naivete.  I thought I knew it all and was ready to face the world but what I really knew about life could fit in my pocket with room to spare.
I got my three daughters through school and college, but then came graduation for my nine grandchildren.  I love going to see them and feel the pride of thinking......those are part mine.
Tiffany my oldest graduated from Brighton High and I went and then she went to Wisconsin and graduated from college.  I went with her family and we sat in the rain and got soaked, but we were there.  Then came Nicci, I went to her Brighton High graduation.  Then four years later I went with her family to Phoenix,Arizona to ASU and we watched Nicci graduate........AND THEN several years later I went with her family to Indianapolis and we watched her get her MBP!  Then it was little brother William's turn to graduate from Olympus High School and he is going to be a junior at the University of Utah next year. Yes, I went to see him graduate.  Last year I went to Vernal to see Alex (PICTURED ABOVE) graduated from Vernal High School and is now a LDS Missionary in Santa Maria Brazil.....I am sure as he celebrated that day he had no idea a year later he would be in Brazil......In a few weeks Richard Benjamine will be graduating from Brighton High School.....and is  registered at the U OF U.  I am looking forward to being there for it.I am looking forward to seeing Brayden and Andrea graduate in two years.....Kennedy in four years.....and Scottie in eight.....even if they have to push me in in a wheel chair. 
Looking forward to having dinner at Cafe Madrid with Mike, Andrea and Andy tonight.  Andy is leaving on his mission to Madrid, Spain in June.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Received some pictures from Karrie of the very important day I missed beings I was in Mexico with Ken to get his Eagle Scout Badge!  This is Darren, Will, Alex's best friend and the Cook family seeing Alex off at the airport.  If I would have been there I would have been crying....so for Alex's benefit it was better Gram was in Mexico with his mother......who would have been crying!  Yesterday was P-Day for him and he emailed he was assigned a companion from Alaska that he really liked.....was made a district leader and the chocolate and Pizza there was really good......so sounds like he is off to a good start.  Yes, we are really going to miss him but know what a wonderful experience it will be for him. MY FIRST MISSIONARY, with no boys, my one brother did not go on a mission so never had this experience before, but know it won't be my last.  Did my first planting of the year, the pots on my back porch so now I can look out to a flower garden.....I love spring.   Good luck ELDER CHRISTENSON!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Well home safe from another adventure.......A wonderful week in the Windom Mia Resort in Cancun, Mexico!  Yesterday was May Day and and was bogged down with making out bills, unpacking my suitcase and doing laundry so hope to get back on my schdule soon, had 92 emails and a ton of mail to get through.  So much has happend since I left the 21st of April and had just celebrated my 80th birthday. We left on our vacation on Kennedy's birthday and had fun celebrating it when we got to Mexico.  Sherrie had Brayden and Kennedy, and Darren stayed in SLC to get Alex off to Brazil for his mission on the 24th.  It was so hard on Sherrie to not be here to see Alex off but Aunt Karrie stepped up and took her place and helped Darren through it.  Alex is kinda a Mom's boy so was probably easier for him not to leave seeing his Mom crying......as all  mothers do.  We kept very busy in Mexico which was good for Sher.  We were with a great family, the Banes and her parents Jill and Sherm.  Dave and Amy are great people and have Riley 14, Brennan 11 and Jamison 8......our entertainer.  The whole trip was to get Riley's and Kennedy's Eagle Scout badge.   Ken took back packs full of school supplies and Riley took medical supplies to a little mexican village that needs everything......we were with the Salt Lake Rotary group. The beach, the weather, the shopping, the music, the food....YES