Monday, September 30, 2013

I AGAINST I........

The sooner you learn this......the sooner you are in control of your life.  When you are young of course your parents tell you what is best for don't accept it.  Teachers, church officials, friends are all there with their view of your life and what is best......then you get married and usually your mate starts dictating to is so nice when you finally come to that place in your life when you start deciding what YOU want to do in life. I am at that place and my sweet family humor me and let me do what I want!......who knows how long this will last?
"We are often so distracted by the internal war between what we want to do and what we have to do that we overlook what we need to do. Not need in the sense of obligation to others, but in the sense of a compulsion to preserve our own sanity. When doing what others think we should do comes into direct conflict with what our heads or hearts demand, it is time to choose whether our top priority is to please others or to please ourselves."
I have a friend whose daughter thinks she should sell her home and move into a condo.......she does not want to sell her home and move.  In my family there was a situation where the couple decided they should sell their home and build a new one......some of their children could not understand why on earth they would even consider a move.  They felt the need was there and went with that need.  So each of us has to decide what that need is.
The last day of September......where does the time go?

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Sunday night and time to email my missionaries......One in Brazil and one in far away from their families.  I am so thankful for emails and the chance to hear from these precious boys once a know if they are well or hungry?  We seem to go through their trials and tribulations, so many miles away, but  every week anxious to hear what is new in their part of the world.  I have been to Brazil and to Mexico many times.  They are both having such a great experience Rich in the picture on top under the volcano and Alex with the little girls he baptized.
I met Patty at McDonalds at nine this morning.....she needed to talk.  Her kids and her mother are wearing her completely out.......I try to tell her don't let worry and stress take the precious hour of your life.  When worry, stress and anger attempt to join you on the must fight it off.  Her mother is 98 and a real trial.. and living alone demands a great deal of time,..three grown children live with them  two with no jobs......and her husband is living on 13% of his heart working.....Worry?  Who wouldn't?  I will always be there for her....even though all I can do is listen!!!!
Sherrie and Brayden were coming in but there was  a change of plans.  Worked in the yard awhile.....things are dying and Fall is upon us......I am so lucky, white and 81......and lovin' life.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Little sister "standing on the Corner in Winslow Arizona!"  Every year she is a major part of the city's celebration. This is her busy weekend in this famous little town.  With the money the city makes they improve some area in the city.  Leslie has lived here all her married life....but that may change in the future with three of her kids settling in the Utah area.
SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO GO IT ALONE......".No guts, no glory.  Like a kamikaze, there are times when you may be required to leave the life you knew behind and give it over to a greater purpose.  The costs can be high, to your heart, soul, and reputation.  Whether or not what you gain will ultimately outweigh what you gave is impossible to know, and really irrelevant.  Your comfort comes in the knowledge that some things are worth sacrificing for!!!!"
Mexican Train group today at Shirley's house ......pot luck.  Panniers off to St. George to supervise installation of new carpet in the family home.  Be back Tuesday.  Rob and I enjoyed dinner at Ziggys and a movie last night......

Friday, September 27, 2013


Sherrie and Julie had more fun than anyone at the wedding.......with their sale item dresses and head bands and Sherrie had a banner that said brides maid and in back favorite aunt!!!!  They did the big run as I sat it out tending the coffee and the back ground with my orange shirt and head band!  We all got a medal for participation with Nicci and Bill and run to the wedding and date on the back, a fun momentum. I thought about running but have taken "run', "jump" "hop" and "skip" out of my vocabulary.......Well, my heart was in it and that is all that counts.
With imagination we can do is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by man. Man can create anything which we can imagine. Synthetic Imagination....through this faculty one may arrange old concepts, ideas or plans into new combinations.  This faculty creates nothing.  It merely works with the material of experience, education and observation with which it is fed.  Creative Imagination.....through the faculty of creative imagination, the infinite mind of man has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.  It is the faculty through which "hunches" and "inspirations" are received.  It is by this faculty that all basic or new ideas are handed over to man.  It is through this faculty that one individual may "tune in", or communicate with the subconscious mind of other men.   Desire is only a thought and impulse.  It is nebulous and ephemeral.  It is abstract and of no value, until it has been transformed into its physical counterpart.  Just remember the synthetic imagination is the one which will be used most frequently, in the process of transforming he impulse of desire into money.....IDEAS ARE BEGINNING POINTS OF ALL FORTUNES....IDEAS ARE PRODUCTS OF THE IMAGINATION.
Cold rainy day with our first snow frosting the mountains this morning.  Off to a movie and dinner with my cute son-in-law Rob tonight.  Pam's off with her girl friends to dinner and a play at the U........I think I am second choice, but I am not complaining.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

MORE FUN.........

So much fun and so proud of the Pannier family......Yes, the bride was beautiful......but so was her big sister who was a bridesmaid......and fun husband Scott, an usher. Tiffany looked beautiful!  Also Pam a happy mother of the bride with a beautiful dress. I love weddings and each one is special in it's own way. You just pray they live happily ever after.
Is it fun to rebel.....or can we....if we have no limits set for us to rebel against?   A person just keeps going and going until someone says no and he can satisfy his rebellion. We want and need limits in life and some people will go to no ends to find their limitations.  Is it as much fun to achieve if there isn't anyone who appreciates it and cheers us on.  We get some personal satisfaction from it but it's not the same.
My Annie is having her four wisdom teeth out today....never fun for anyone.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I love do most of my family.  Thumbing through the ideas and recipes of many is great.  It is like going shopping on line.   Sure, shopping is fun----and science knows why;  Studies show finding something we want stimulates the brain region associated with rewards and desire, and promotes the release of the happiness hormone dopamine.  The best part?  You don't have to spend any money or even leave your home to benefit!  Just browse online for an instant bliss boost!  I am not much of a on-liner I prefer to look and touch......I can say five hours in the million dollar mall in Minneapolis had my dopamine hormones racing on high!
How do you talk yourself into success?  A simple but life-changing shift in vocabulary.  Trading "I can't" for "I can".  Replacing "maybe" with "definitely."  Switching out "not me" for "why not me?"  Believe in yourself, and that confidence will carry you toward your dreams!
Tired, tired, tired......still recuperating from my big weekend in MN, then bridge last night till mid-night and again today bridge and lunch......maybe tomorrow I will sleep all day.
"Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the Devil says......"Oh Crap......She's up!"

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Seems the family goes crazy when we get together......The morning run was a fun dress up time.......that probably really embarrassed poor Nicci......her redneck relatives from UTAH.  Orange shirts, worn in a variety of styles, that said "running sucks" cut off sweats and matching socks was not allowed.  Sherrie and Julie gave Nicci a bad time about being left out of her line and dressed up like brides maids......fancy dresses and head bands, tossing rose petals on her!  Yes, they had an orange shirt for me......and head band.  I did not run but held down the fort where the medals were presented.  It was an interesting run along the Mississippi river, over a beautiful arched bridge, right behind the old Medal Gold Flour Mill where they were married.........which is now a museum.
We did clean up for the wedding but Tiffany, Liz, Julie and I did get into the crazy picture taking area after dinner!
Off to the pool for what will probably be our last swim of the years.  Forecast today is 87 but dropping to the 60's with snow in the mountains the rest of the week....Ahhh summer comes to a screeching halt.

Monday, September 23, 2013


The wedding chapel....Pam, Me, Sherrie, Julie, Don & Toni seated!
I do.........
I guess it takes a family to have a great wedding......Well, both families were there for Nicci ad Bill's wedding Saturday, September the 21st, 2013.  It was held in Minneapolis, MN at the museum, which was originally a flour mill. About 100 people enjoyed a fun weekend of, party, party.  Sher and I got in some shopping at the "Million Dollar Mall".....Sher and Julie duked it out competing for the "favorite aunt" position.  Nicci was a beautiful bride and had turned it over to a wedding planner to set it up.  Pam and Rob looked great and Tiffany was a beautiful brides maid.  Scott and Will ushers. Different from the Utah weddings, no music, few flowers, no scriptures or religion mentioned.....Just a beautiful bride and handsome groom......front and center.
Sherrie and I got home about 1:00 Sunday afternoon, she had to drive on to Vernal.  Tired......Yes!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


In three and a half days my Nicci will become Mrs Trovinger.......Pam and Rob are leaving this after noon for Minneapolis, Sherrie and I in the morning and the rest of the crew after work tomorrow.  I hope she is ready for her 'RED NECK' relatives from Utah. A full schedule is planned.......Open House in their new home Thursday night, Sher and I off to the Million Dollar Mall all day Friday and Friday night the rehearsal dinner, a 5 K run Saturday morning.......or not.......maybe the 1 K walk, Wedding that evening with a sit down dinner and dancing and home Sunday......Oh yes, weddings are fun.
Stayed all night at Cooks while they are out of town......Scottie took very good care of me.......even made me a chili cheese dog for dinner. Annie busy, busy in and out.  Love being with those kids.
Temperature took a turn for the cooler side.....66 today from 90 yesterday.
God changes caterpillars into butterflys.......sand into pearls and coal into diamonds.  Using time and pressure he's working on you too!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Once ....when I was experiencing a difficult time in my life.....a dear friend, who was also a bishop told me........."Betty the higher you climb the lower he will sink"......I have always remembered that and when things get bad, I see myself going up, up, up a circular staircase.....I am not sure where it will lead me, but hopefully to GOD. In a magic way it is drawing me up to above the problem a person or thing is causing me.
Pam and I were off to the pool one last time before our big weekend and it probably will be closed when we get home.  I feel so good when I exercise!!!! I did find a good exercise for OLD PEOPLE...... Stand with plenty of room on each side.  Take 5 pound bag in each hand.....extend your arms straight out and hold as long as you can. Try full minute then relax. Do each day work up to 5 minutes.  Next try 5 pound and eventually get where you can lift 100 pound bag for a full minute.  I am at this level.......After you feel confident at this level put a potato in each bag! complaining that you're not going anywhere.....You get a free trip around the sun every day!  Off to tend my sweet grandkids at the Cooks for the night.  Kar and Rich off to Las Vegas to celebrate their 22 nd anniversary. Turning cold and rainy.

Monday, September 16, 2013


I have taken many words out of my language now days......RUN, JUMP, HOP, SKIP and even RUSH and HURRY.  "There is no need to rush.  If something is meant to be, it will happen in the right time, with the right person, for the best reason."......My get up and go has just about got up and gone.
You cannot change what's done, you can't go back in time, you can't change hurt feelings or mend broken hearts.  all you  can do is learn from your mistakes and never regret or forget, the lesson you learned.
Nails done and went to the bank, tomorrow tend the Cooks.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Sunny Sunday.....Rained off and on yesterday but today is nice.  Pam and I walked over to the pool and exercised an hour......feels so good.  To bad we only have a week or two left to swim before Annette closes the pool.
It wasn't very long ago that I was fairly tall......and now I need these glasses cause the print is getting small. That isn't all that brings about a little bit of dread.  Half of my friends are already dead.  So you see I understand that life is often cruel.  No one need complain if 'old' is acting like a fool.  And inside this old carcass a young girl still dwells.  Where even on occasion her battered heart swells.  Remembering the joys, remembering the pain.  I'm just loving life and living it over again.
These words could come from many of my dear friends......our favorite past time is getting together to see who has the most complaints......about our health, the weather, our family, Obama, the price of our medicine.......should I go on? But, we all agree deep inside we are still young and have dreams.
Started packing for my trip Thursday to Minneapolis for Nicci's wedding.......

Saturday, September 14, 2013


When we embark on life we never know for sure where the road will take us.  When I graduated from high school at 18 I realized there were many roads ahead and mountains and is confusing when you have been use to your parents pretty much picking the roads you have been traveling. All you can do is take it day by day.  Many do not realize the four letter "F" word is very insidious because unbeknown to you, it could be the motivation behind a shockingly high percentage of the life choices you make......that "F" word is FEAR!
They say that 80% of the decisions we make are based on fear rather than desire........stop and think about it?  If I had married Clifford, Wally or much different would my life be?  What made me choose Don? If I don't buy this now......if I wait for a sale, will I miss it?  If I don't go to the doctor now, will my ailment get worse?  If I quit this job......will I find another one?  Yes, check your everyday decisions and see if you are making them out of fear or desire.  Looking at the decisions you made in the past .....were they driven by fear or aspiration?  Were you moving toward something you wanted or away from an alternative that you hated? Trying and failing means the world has rejected you and your efforts and the rejection is our number one fear!  Living, really living means taking chances, so it's sad if we never conquer our fear.
When my joints ache, when the hip breaks, when the eyes grow dim......Then I remember the great life I've had.....and then I don't feel so bad!
Enjoyed a warm Fall morning watching my youngest grandson, Scott, play football.  He is growing up so fast.

Friday, September 13, 2013

NO WORRY.......

YES, it isn't hard for me to find something to worry the rumor that chocolate makes your clothes shrink!......or is it a rumor?  What do you worry about?  I also worry I will spend my golden years broke and living under a bridge, that the big black mole on my boob may be cancer......if though I have had it checked, I worry about climate change and what the world will be like for my grandchildren.  I worry because I can't remember some one's name or the name of a book I want to read.  It seems we are wired to pay attention to scary thing.  The #1 function of our brain is to keep us alive.  We worry as a way to anticipate possible dangers and problem....solve our way through them.  Our vigilant ancestors survived because of this.  We are good at worrying and don't know how to turn it off sometimes.
So start with focusing on what you can control, instead of avoiding pain, uncertainty and heartbreak, we should embrace these emotions.....they are part of being human.  Is it time to clean house on those worries?
DID YOU KNOW?....Of the 44 US presidents Obama rated fifth.  Reagan, Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson and 6 others tied for first........18 presidents tied for second, 14 presidents tied for 3rd, Jimmy carter came in 4th and Obama came in 5th......Worse one ever.....and yes, I worry a lot if we will have any world left after Obama and Obama Care!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Found this on face book this morning and feel I need to remember it always and pass it on.
"A well known speaker started his seminar with a question.  He held up a $20.00 bill and asked the room of 200 people who would like it.  All hands went up.  He proceeded to crumple up the bill and then asked----who still wanted it----all hands went up.  Then he put it on the floor stomped on it----crumpled and dirty, he ask again who wanted it.  All hands went up again.
My friends we learned a valuable lesson today.  No matter what I did to the still wanted it because it did not decrease in value.  It is still at $20.00 bill  Many times in our lives we are dropped,
 crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.  We may feel as though we are worthless.  But, no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.
Dirty, clean, are priceless to those who DO LOVE YOU. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but WHO WE ARE.  You are special.  Don't ever forget that.  Count your blessings not your problems.
Hope I can get my Bank business taken care of today.....poor Karrie 50 trips to the bank with me!!!  Thank goodness I can repay her with a little baby sitting in the next few months.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Twelve years ago 19 heartless terrorists left 2,996 families sorrowfully mourning. Twelve years ago those terrorists left 343 firefighters and paramedics and families lives changed forever.  At 8:45 the wonderful skyline of NYC was changed forever---the beautiful twin towers 1,776 feet high gone the terrorist flew their high jacked planes through them!  So sad.....that moment is written on the hearts of everyone in America....We will never forget it!
I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.........Don't independence your way into loneliness.
There is so much to celebrate about each of us! Why worry about mistakes you make, missteps you take or  your "flaws"? Everyone has slight imperfections.  They just show the world we're one-of-a-kind originals, not copies--and the list of what makes you likable and lovable is always growing.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


After being married 30 years, I suddenly found myself single at 54. Dating generated a lot of funny stories but wasn't actually all that much fun.  More fun was everything else in life.  I moved into a fun condo, in a nice neighborhood with my three daughters and their families close by. I had great friends and a very supportive family........and a cuddly 4 legged roommate. So why would I want to re-partner, when I was already a lot happier than I'd been most of the time I was married to an airline pilot......who was gone 3/4 of the month. Could singlehood be, rather than a state of emergency or a problem that had to be solved, a positive life choice?  Is a single person always the unmatched half of something or could I be complete as is? Yes, being odd man out at first was hard, but soon I was choosing to go out with other ladies in my boat.   People are shocked to hear that over half  the people talked to were content with their singlehood. A few single people have given the rest of us the bad name of "single people are unhappy by definition......and older people are the most miserable".  Not true, my friends and I (all elderly), are more likely to be content as single people. Marriage later in life seems to be for a nurse and a purse!!!!  When author Klinenberg wrote "Going Solo" he planned to write how difficult it was for older people to be alone in America, but his research was completely the opposite......"Not only did most older people living alone want to live alone, they were more likely than those in couples to be social, or likely to go out to cafes, plays and card parties.  They were not single out of desperation but because of a desire of integrity and independence." I have been so happy these past 27 years being independent, managing my own finances and decisions, devoting all the time I want to my children, travel and friends.....even a casual relationship would put pressure on you?  No more "Can I pound a nail here?"....."What do you want for dinner?"......"Can we afford it?".....No, life is what it is......GREAT at 81 and single.
Today I had a flue shot, got gas and had lunch.  The Panniers off to the State Fair.....hope they don't get wet!

Monday, September 9, 2013


The time is getting closer when I am going to be forced to be nice......or not...... to the person who ruined my marriage.  My X, his significant other and I are headed for a granddaughter's wedding in Minnesota.  They could even be on the same airplane there!!!! There will be the open house on Thursday night, Rehearsal dinner Friday and the Wedding Saturday......there is no way I can avoid her or ignore her.....or not....the whole time.  We have never said a word in the last 27 years since it all happened.  She has taken the hint and not showed up at the girls weddings, farewells, eagle scout awards etc......but I am determined.....for my children's sake..... to be the lady I have tried to teach them to be in these kinds of situations.......Bottom line: My X and I are not friends, we are not enemies, we are two strangers with the same memories of 30 years together. So I am praying every night for the strength to get through this and still enjoy it and make it happy for everyone else!
Resolve to make this week good; DAY 1; Think these thoughts....I have true promise, unlimited potential and infinite possibilities. #2.  Positive thinking can get me results.  #3.  Never underestimate the power of a smile. One person can make your day and one person can ruin your day with just a smile.  #4.  Why brace yourself for the worst when you can brace yourself for the best? Your decision.  #5. You can do whatever you set your mind to!  #6. What dreams need most is hope and faith......... a "I can not I can't" attitude.  #7.I am fabulous.......

Sunday, September 8, 2013


After you blow up at someone sometimes you regret it, but being angry hurts no one but you.....Venting to someone----a good friend, acquaintance or even a co-worker---not only helps make the problem seem less daunting, it sometimes strengthens your relationship with that person.  Thank goodness I have several very good friends who listen patiently as I rant and rave about something that makes me angry......and I also listen to their complaints.  In fact, getting so upset that you actually swear can draw you closer because it shows you're comfortable enough with the other person to let your guard down! You don't judge someone by a few swear words. I guess the bonus of venting when you're angry or frustrated reduces physical pain! You yell and holler and swear a little, then your blood pressure goes back down and you move on.  Maybe that is why I am so healthy????
Don't feel down or have the power to lift yourself up.  Bad hair days, why-did-I-eat -that days.  What-was-I-thinking days.  We all have a few of these, and they can be discouraging.  But not for long, if you tell yourself the real truth; that you're beautiful and capable, interesting and important---and headed someplace great! Be your own best friend.
A chilly rainy day and this week's weather forecast is to be in the 80's.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Just stepping outside to........ "MY SECRET GARDEN"....... can make you feel peaceful and quiet.  I live in a condo, so don't have room for one of those big gardens with wandering paths, past ponds of gold fish, beautiful statues and beautiful exotic plants, trees and shrubs.....with little benches to rest on here and there......maybe in my next life. No, I have made my patio into my secret little garden.  Bright furniture, with a carpet, pillows, many pots filled with flowering plants. Three tall shrubs that help to give me the privacy and enclosure from the outside world. In  the corner is a water fountain.....every garden needs some water.  A tall statue of a girl my sister gave me .....I call her my garden angle as my sister has since passed away. The aroma of the plants and spices there add their magic.  Hanging in full view is a wind chime I brought back from the gardens in Canada and my humming bird feeder.  Those little birds are so entertaining as they fight for their turn at the feeder. With a cold drink, a good book or my knitting I can open the happens to be a screen door..... into my own little world away from the TV news of all the sick things President Obama is piling on us, Ben Gazi, Syria, 'Obeymecare', taxes and on and on!  I am not young or old.....but just me, when I am out there. Now I know to some this might not be considered a garden as we think of it, but every one can make their own little nook of escape to privacy.  I have a beautiful Mexican fountain I brought back from Puerto Panasco, I put pretty pots of plants around it with little statues......and I have a small garden inside for winter days.  I had a fun gold fish for many years that out grew several bowls......but "Arnold' died awhile back. Make your own special place......"Or grow where your planted"!
Watched Annie cheer at the Brighton foot ball game last a weird dust storm......really missed seeing Rich out on the football field.  Karrie is a doll to put up with me and include me in many things the grandchildren are doing. Its just a nice Fall day of quiet, hanging out......two weeks from today Nicci gets married and I will be in Minneapolis to watch it. Should be interesting rubbing shoulders with my X and the K-MART lady?????

Friday, September 6, 2013


As I was growing up during WWII I just figured Kilroy was part of the war.  "Kilroy was written on everything."....not only in the US, but around the world.  He is so famous that he is engraved in the National War Memorial in Washington DC, in a small alcove.  From the WWII generation he brings back many memories.  Younger folks .....those born after 1950 may not remember.
James Kilroy from Halifax, Mass. was inspector at a ship yard.....his job was to check on the number of bolts completed by each person.  He chalked them with lumber chalk, So they would not get erased he drew the picture of the funny looking character looking over the fence and wrote his name....."Kilroy was here. "Off shift inspectors would come through and count them later  .Ships were leaving so fast, sometimes his marking did not get cleaned off and soon the saying was seen all over the world.  Service men picked up the message and spread it over Europe and the South Pacific. Soon everyone was asking...."Who is Kilroy?" Service men continued leaving their mark all over the world.......Osama Ben Laden's home, Statue of Liberty, Mt. Everest, Arc de Triomphe and even in the dust on the moon! We should bring 'ole Kilroy back!  Wonder what happened to HUBA-HUBA?  If a cute guy said that to you, you smiled and your heart beat faster.
The Pannier are off to "THE Barn" for the weekend  Pam and I did an hour in the pool this morning.  Tonight off to watch Annie cheer for the first time this year..  She was invited to Skyline's homecoming this weekend and to Brighton's next weekend and some poor girls never get invited at all.....not fair.  Yes, fall weather and football games go together.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I love it when you get up in the morning knowing today will be a good day........I just tell myself that every morning.......As you get older, you find out that true happiness is not in how much money you make or how many degrees you have. or how big your house is, or how fancy your car is.  It's finding peace and joy and a calmness in your life that becomes the most important thing to you. Your family is what matters to you. Love is what matters to you, things that are quality not quantity.
Picked up my cute Jr. Higher yesterday from school, he is growing up too fast.  He is so sweet to me..  I am stressing about my oldest grandson......I'm sorry I just don't want his girl friend to be the mother of my great-grandchildren.....but it really isn't any of my business I guess. It is ..... what it is.  Off to swim with my two daughters.....we call it exercise???

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Oh yes, the good old days when no one said, "now run out doors and get some exercise".......Most the time our mother was out hunting us down as we were off somewhere roller skating, riding a bike, jumping rope, playing hop-scotch. The girls played "jacks" on the side walks or pavement where the ball would bounce or "jump rope."  The boys found a flat dirt spot and played "marbles" or spun their "tops".  Both boys and girls" rode bikes" and "roller skated".....instead of always looking for our car keys we were looking for a misplaced skate key! And we did a lot of "walking".  Sure you were free to go most anywhere in town you wanted, but you knew wherever it was you were going to walk there and mother hauled their kids around like they do now days. There were no swimming pools, besides our mother's were afraid we would get polo......a most dreaded disease before the vaccination was invented......and there were just ponds and the  river to swim in.  In the winter we ice skated on the ponds and river and went sled on Dawson Hill.  There were very few fat kids around.  There was not much money for snacks or junk food either.  When evening rolled around we were tired and hungry when we finally wandered home.  We ate whatever was prepared and there was no fighting about staying up to watch TV.....there was none!  I would not trade those growing up days for all the money in the world, good families, friends and my grandparents lived a block up the street. THE BEST OF THE BEST!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


  Every morning you have to think today will be better than yesterday.....even though yesterday was good.  Yesterday was Labor Day and I went out to eat and to a movie with Karrie, Rich and Scott. Seems I wake up and it is either Monday or Friday, the in-between just seems to slide by with to-do lists.  Now this morning my week starts out with Mail my first of the month bills, buy stamps.  Go to the bank and then Smiths to pick up a prescription.  Drop off my HOAC dues and leave Annette a note to have Jose look at my sprinklers.  Go to Walmart for a list of things.  Check on a new bank and call Nicole at Merrill Lynch.  Now if I woke up rich.......I would have my secretary to do all this for me....BUT ......what would I do all day? No, I guess I don 't want to wake up rich and turn into a vegetable, it is good to stay busy and on a budget? 
Pam called and they are staying at the cabin till Thursday.  Sherrie called and they had a fun surprise party for Bud at Lake Powell, but everyone got throw-ups and diarrhea and fought for the limited bathrooms on the house boat.  Karrie called and had a list of to-dos like me. She had been for a physical and discovered she has high blood pressure.  I discovered mine about her age.   I have a very busy family.
"Real style is never right or wrong......It's a matter of being yourself on purpose."

Monday, September 2, 2013


If I gave my kids a test could they tell me what all these pictures from my past are?  Maybe my kids could but I doubt the grandchildren could......Those who were born in the 50's--60's---70's and 80's are the last generation who played in the street!  During our childhood we "walked" over a mile a day when we played "hide and seek"... outside at night with no worries or fear of anything bad happening to us. We loved the night games which also included " kick the can."  We are the first generation who played video games and the last to record songs off the radio onto a cassette tape.  We learned to program a VCR before anyone else, were the first to play from Atari to Nintendo. We were the generation of Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes and Captain Kangaroo....We traveled in cars without seat belts, or air bags, lived without cell phones and caller ID. Can you even imagine a household in the US today without a cell phone or two or three???? And how nice it was to talk to someone on the phone rather than getting a few words of text on a cell phone?  We did not have fax machines, flat screens, surround sound, I pads, Facebook, Twitter, computers or Internet and through it all we had a really good time!  Popping pop corn on the stove, piling records on the turn table and hanging clothes out on the line every week, especially when it was so cold they froze solid in minutes were part of my life.  Yep, I guess I grew up in the dark ages and feel completely normal....I just don't want to ever forget how far I have come.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Headlines in today's paper......"IT'S OFFICIAL; THIS SUMMER HAS BEEN THE HOTTEST EVER FOR SALT LAKE CITY."  I haven't really suffered, because I love "HOT", but I am sure even the animals noticed the climate change. SLC heat broke parking meters and an Interstate 15 on ramp on its way to shattering the big one....hottest summer ever....... since record keeping started in 1874. On Friday, SLC also beat the record for number of 95-degree days during the season.  The old record was 51 days.  Maybe I can forget moving to Arizona or Florida after all. 
Today is the first day of September.....and Labor Day tomorrow......guess summer is over and the last long weekend for awhile.  Sherrie and her family are in Lake Powell throwing a big surprise party for "grandpa Bud's" 80th birthday. She said they expected about 40 people to show up.  Hoping to put the new boat in the water this weekend.  The Pannier clan all went up to Idaho for the long weekend.  The Cooks are in town as Annie had to work and Scott had football.  I'm just hanging best talent now days.
Just went down stairs to do a little laundry, (the first time down stairs since my new roommates moved in.....Well, about all I can say is; "looks like a Costco warehouse......without the free food!"  I now understand why they are praying for their "BIG DIG" to get going. There is a trail too the bed, bathroom and TV.......all the comforts of the homeless???