Friday, February 1, 2013


Love this family.....both ended up with an "unexpected life" after many years of settling in with their first families......Mike's wife left him, Andrea's husband is in prison because of a Ponzie scheme he ran.  Each was starting over with four children when they found each other.  Starting over isn't easy I know because it happened to me after 30 years of marriage. I took my unexpected life, finished raising my girls, had weddings, and ended up with 9 grandchildren.  I volunteered, went back to college, learned Spanish and traveled around the world ......I chose to have a very good life and had the support of my family and friends. Andrea did the same and is my hero in how she has grown and raised her kids.  She has taken the bad that happened in her life and is passing it on to women and men who have been cast into her situation, a real inspiration to me and many others.  Mike is lucky to have a great person in his life like her. Seems no matter what Mike does he cannot make his X or children happy, and the X has tried everything to ruin the marriage........her ultimate goal in life! Three of the children are like her.  I am praying Mike sees through her schemes and it only makes his present marriage stronger.......because after what Andrea has been through she won't take much more.  MEN DON'T SEEM TO REALIZE......IT'S NOT THAT YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM.....IT IS JUST THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO....OR NOT. My prayers are with them.

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