Thursday, February 7, 2013

IN MY HEART.......

This is my first missionary ever.....I am so proud of him.  He has been in Brazil for 10 months and doing so good.  His mother just got some new pictures and my heart is with Elder Alex Chirstenson.  He will be 20 the end of this month and I just got his present and card ready to mail off.  I sent him money for Christmas to have a nice Christmas dinner......he had his first cheese burger since in had left home in April???Come on elder go for it!! He writes about such wonderful experiences, tests and problems he faces every day, none that he would have living safely and securely at home.  Growing every day, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and adjusting to people he would probably not choose at home. Learning a new language and realizing things around the world are much different than Vernal, Utah.......not good or bad.....just are. I know he and his cousin......going to Mexico...... that went into the MTC yesterday will some day have lots of fun comparing notes on their missions and the wonderful things they learned in two years.

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