Thursday, February 14, 2013


Oh the memories of days gone by when the race was to see who had the neatest valentine box and who got the most valentines.....probably my first inclinations boys were pretty neat!  "We are tested in life, some by being given a lot of money and some by not being given enough.  The point is to see how we handle it. This could be true when you are young and start counting your valentines, feeling the person with the most valentines was better than can either let it bother you.....or not! I determine that I will live my dreams. The path may take some twists and turns, but it has been leading me to my destiny.  It is the one I have longed for and looked forward to.  The one that will come true, becauses it's meant for me.  The Christensons and the Cooks each gave me a dozen red roses for Valentine's Day and my house smells sooooo good. Gigi had her shots today.

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