Sunday, February 24, 2013


I love this picture of Kennedy with a pile of backpacks full of school supplies for the children in a little Mexican village out of Cancun.  This was Ken's big project to get his Eagle badge.  I was honored to be with him on this I will never forget.  Tonight I am going with the Cooks to Vernal to be there when Kennedy is presented wih his Eagle Scout Award.  He wanted his aunt Karrie to speak is the main reason we are going, hoping the roads will be good.  It has snowed the last three days between here and Vernal. Sherrie now has earned three eagles more or less.  Karrie has one down and one to go.  That seems to mean a lot on a resume later in life.  I am proud of my boys.  I will leave GIGI home to tend the house, times like this a doggie door and a fenced back yard are really nice.  Four more days and March will come flying in.  Where oh where does do the days go?????

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