Friday, February 15, 2013


What makes a moment special?  A quiet "I love you" from someone special or a "Wow, I heard from my missionary......we have many special minutes each day but just don't realize it.  You can plan and plan to make some moment special, but you never can guarante it will be.  When you have traveled the road I have in the past 80 years you can think of many special moments.  When I was young there was no penicillin, polio shots, frozen foods, xerox, contact lenses, the pill.  No credit cards, ball-point pens.  No panty-hose, air conditioning, dishwashers. No gay rights, computer dating.  No FM radios, tape decks or cd's. No Pizza Huts, McDonalds, instant coffee.  We had five and dime stores,  Ice cream cones , phone calls and pepsi cost a nickel.  Stamps were 3 cents and gas 11 cents a gallon. I was in college when my folks got their first little black and white TV.  Each new discovery was a special moment to me. Had a fun brunch for Pat and LaVern and now off to baby sit the Cooks for the weekend,

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