Sunday, February 3, 2013


She is so special........I look and feel like that every day, but don't get any messages pushing me on! Maybe I need some bunny slippers????? Yesterday was Ground Hog day and Punxsutawney Phil did not see his showdow .......thus an early spring and boy am I ready for that!  It was in the 40's today and a pleasant day.
Todays quote....."The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are now out-numbered by those who vote for a living." Anon  You know I am not kidding.
We must discover the true meaning of life and know that potential exists in every moment we live----for anyone and that once the soul is connected to this realm of possibity, faith and hope, what flows is the feeling of happiness, joy,peace and gratitude accepting all is well in this world.
All my friends and family are glued to the TV today watching the SUPER BOWL....I forgot it was even on and no one invited me to a super bowl party????  Maybe that means I'm not so hot!  Oh well, I am sure the best team will win! It is nice to be home and in my own little bed again.

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