Sunday, February 10, 2013


Looks like Annie and Scott have run into a little trouble as they make the best of all our snow.  I guess he just ran her off the trail.......More snow last night and off and on today. Sherrie is coming in to stay alnight and go to the Dermitoligist in the morning so will be fun to have some company tonight. Got a busy week coming up, seem one week nothing and the next something every day, but that is good I guess.  Get to hear from Missionary #1 tomorrow, but don't know what Missionary #2's PDAY will be.  He wanted to do his own packing and when Karrie was cleaning his room after he left she found a drawer full of new garment.....whops!  She packed them up and mailed them to him in Provo.  Sometimes it takes a village to get a missionary on his way. 

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